Write On Con

August 10th, 2010.  It’s coming: the greatest online convention for writers of young adult fiction.  And registration began yesterday.

WriteOnCon is almost here.

With the growing power of the internet and the strength of online writing communities, there has been a new direction for writing conventions and conferences.  Yep, you guessed it: ONLINE.

Essentially, WriteOnCon (and other conferences) use online forums to host lectures, discussions, and classes.  You can meet with editors, agents, writers, and other professionals from the writing industry without leaving your house.  For a lot of writers, this movement towards online conferences offers an amazing opportunity that was previously unavailable.

Take me, for example, who can’t get her booty over the Atlantic Ocean just to attend a writing conference.  It’s a matter of cost and distance — something I know a lot of writers find limiting their conference attendance.  And what of other obstacles like, illness, a physical handicap, or any incapacitating situation?  Conferences that are online become as available to those writers as well.

If you aren’t already enticed to register for WriteOnCon, then just take a gander at some of the agents who’ll be there:

  • Holly Root
  • Elana Roth
  • Suzie Townsend
  • Kathleen Ortiz
  • Joanna Stampfel-Volpe
  • Mandy Hubbard
  • Jennifer Laughran
  • The list continues…

You’re salivating now, aren’t you?  (I was.)

So don’t miss this.  There’s no excuse for missing this.  Seriously.  Get thee to the registration page and sign up.  NOW.

Other Online Conferences:

I hope to “see” you at the conferences!
