In attempt to meet deadlines and get more books written, I have purposefully made myself difficult to reach. It’s nothing personal — y’all know I love you. I just reached a point a few years ago where I spent more time answering emails than I did doing…well, anything else.
So if you want to ask a question or just want to let me know something, then go ahead and send your message to susan [at] I cannot guarantee I will answer in a timely manner, though.
For other types of requests (subsidiary rights, events, etc.), see the below contact addresses. And of course, never dismiss the power of handwritten snail mail. Nothing makes me happier. ❤️
Literary Agent
Joanna Volpe
New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc
Film Agent
Pouya Shahbazian
New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc
Foreign Rights
Tracy Williams
New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc
Interested in merchandise licensing? Please fill out the forms found here with New Leaf Literary & Media.
Snail Mail
New Leaf Literary & Media
Attn: Susan Dennard
110 West 40th St., Suite 2201
New York, NY 10018