Novel Notebook & Supplies Winner!

Day 5 of NaNoWriMo

Sooooo…  Have you survived the week?  The rest of MY November will be devoted to NaNoWriMo — will yours?  No Thanksgiving holidays here in Germany to get in the way… Be sure to check back so we can all compare our NaNoWriMo notes! If you haven’t already, then add me as a NaNo buddy (stowersd), and then scroll down to see if you’re the winner from Sooz’s Giant Giveaway Extravaganza Day 5.

We have a WINNER!

Friday’s Extravaganza prize was a series of writing supplies and a copy of my novel notebook (complete with novel-planning worksheets and a revisions guide):

And that lucky winner is……..

Julie Eshbaugh !

YAAAAAY! Please contact me and give me your address!  I want to send these supplies ASAP so you can still get some mileage out of them for NaNoWriMo — or, if you’re not NaNo-ing it up, then you can use these goodies for whatever novel-ing you  may undertake.

Congratulations, Julie!  And thanks to everyone for making this giveaway such a success. I lurrrve you all so very, very much for coming here and making my Extravaganza week 100% Made of Awesome.

Seriously, none of this could have happened without ALL OF YOU AMAZING READERS/WRITERS/FRIENDS!!!
