Clearing the Air: I don’t hate your book blog
You may have noticed a recent trend in authors against authors giving negative book reviews–NOT authors opposing negative reviews, but authors refraining from reviewing books they disliked.
Somehow this approach has gotten skewed and twisted into a blanket statement: Authors dislike book blogs.
Um, no. This is so far from the truth, it actually makes me mad that people would say this.
All writers are first and foremost readers. As such, we read books we love, and we read books we hate. Hell, I can name at least four books I’ve read in 2011 that I LOATHED. But I won’t name them because I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I won’t share what I disliked about those books because those authors are my colleagues, and personally, I don’t think it polite to rag on their approach. Writing and reading are so subjective, that just because I hated a book doesn’t mean anyone else will. In fact, I often find myself in the minority (the books I hate tend to be popular).
Because I love reading, I read book blogs. In fact, I’d say at least half of my RSS feed is filled with book reviewing blogs–I like knowing what other people did/didn’t like. And I base almost ALL of my book purchases on reviews!
I may not write book reviews (I only recommend books on my blog), but that doesn’t mean I hate them! It doesn’t mean I don’t read them or appreciate them!
So please, whoever is going around declaring that authors hate book blogs, STOP. It’s just not true.
Okay, end rant.
P.S. Query Day will commence today at 5 PM EST.
Caitlin Darrell
May 2, 2011 @ 10:30 am
I hate the whole ‘author vs. book reviewer’ idea that’s been rampant around the YA blogosphere lately. I totally agree about recommending books instead of reviewing – much nicer, because you’re not going to recommend something you hate.
If anything, reviewers and authors should be BFFS – they’re in the same industry, love the same genre! I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school… I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy!
May 2, 2011 @ 10:39 am
HA. I love you, Caitlin.
Cakes filled with rainbows and smiles would be AWESOME.
Victoria Dixon
May 2, 2011 @ 2:06 pm
Wow, hadn’t heard this one, but I’m glad you don’t hate my blog. LOL I don’t review a ton of YA material, but I do when it’s appropriate, after all. Just reviewed an adult book, The Lion of Cairo, if you’re interested in adult material. ;D
May 2, 2011 @ 5:57 pm
I definitely read adult books, and I’m glad to have another book blog to add to my list! 😀
May 2, 2011 @ 4:51 pm
Well said, Susan. Unfortunately, there are too many people who aren’t happy unless someone is fighting. I think you have the right attitude. 🙂
May 2, 2011 @ 5:59 pm
Thanks, Kathy! It’s true, people enjoy fighting. You shoulda seen the fury (directed at me) when I tried to recommend authors not give flaming reviews of other books… I learned my lesson: don’t interfere, no matter how well meaning I am!
Kathryn Roberts
May 2, 2011 @ 5:55 pm
I just talked about this on my blog after a review of a book I read. I completely agree. It’s really not a good thing when we bring each other down. I recommend books I loved and for the ones I didn’t, I may do a post later on certain things I want to avoid, certain problems to avoid, while working on my own WIP. That’s the more helpful approach, I think. But I will never bring up a title of a book, or mention an author who I think really missed the mark.
May 2, 2011 @ 6:03 pm
I’m glad to hear you don’t name titles–that does nothing, really. If you’re an author, once your book is in stores, you can’t change it! So hearing from another writer about what you did badly isn’t particularly helpful. However, book blogs aimed at readers and written by readers are different–the information isn’t coming from colleagues; it’s coming from an audience. The information isn’t meant for the writer’s eyes; it’s meant for other readers. Oh dear, I’m rambling…
Thanks for the comment, Kathryn!!
Abby Minard
May 3, 2011 @ 5:28 am
I have a friend who reviews books. If she reviews one she didn’t like, she doesn’t blast it or say horrible things about it. She’ll say why she didn’t like it, but always says that even though it wasn’t for her, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it. Everyone should form their own opinion about a book because it is so subjective. But that is another reason why I think sometimes its best for authors to stay away from reviewing books. But that’s my opinion. I won’t look down on an author if the review books- totally fine if that’s what they want to do. But I won’t do it- too sticky for me. If someone asks, I’ll tell them what I think, but I don’t think I’ll ever have as specific post about a book.
May 3, 2011 @ 9:53 am
I think most reviewers refrain from blasting–most people are nice, you know? And if they do say horrible things, then it’s not a blog I’d read. All the same, MOST book blogs are done well, and I like seeing if people agree with my own book thoughts! But you’re right, reviewing is too sticky for me to worry over. I’ll just share what I like! 😀
May 3, 2011 @ 10:43 pm
*I agree with this post* 🙂
Now, THIS is random, but: Have you read The Hidden Goddess (Sequel to The Native Star)? I just, JUST finished it. Like, ten minutes ago 🙂 I first heard of The Native Star from you and your recommendation was so glowing and so awesome that I had to check it out. I’m glad I did 😀 Yay!
May 4, 2011 @ 9:17 am
I HAVEN’T! I totally forgot it was coming out–GAH! I’ve been looking for something to read, too… Perfect!!
May 6, 2011 @ 12:56 am
It was really good–At least, I thought so 😀 Stanton <3 How I missed him :')
By the way, I also miss your book recommendations. Can I haz some, pleases? 🙂 I've read pretty much all the books you have recommended lol <–Needs more.
May 6, 2011 @ 2:55 pm
! I didn’t know you enjoyed them so. Of course I shall do more recs!!
Julie Hedlund
May 4, 2011 @ 4:53 am
I’m so with you! I love book bloggers and reviewers. As more and more writers won’t come out and give negative reviews of books they don’t like (myself included), the folks who take it on the chin for the rest of us become even more important. I WANT to know why people don’t like a certain book. It helps me decide whether I think I would or wouldn’t like it. Sometimes I negative review makes me more likely to read a book. Anyway, thank goodness for the brave souls who still tell-all about their reading experiences!
May 4, 2011 @ 9:18 am
That’s a good point, Julie! As more authors resist writing negative reviews, we readers will have to rely on the book blogs to tell us what is/isn’t worth our time and money!! Yes, thank goodness for the brave souls. 😀