Sold! To that awesome country over there…

Wonderful news, everyone!! I’ve been itching to tell you all for a while now.

A few weeks ago, Something Strange and Deadly and its two sequels SOLD to…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

(You can probably guess by the giant FLAG right there. If not, now’s your chance to learn something new.)

And the winning country iiiissss…


Yes, it’s incredibly exciting to have another country buy the book, but to be honest, selling to Germany is SUPER satisfying since

  1. I live there–and that means I can see it in the book and grocery stores I pass everyday!
  2. The Frenchman’s entire family speaks German.  So in other words, even if the book never sells in France, at least my in-laws can still read the novel!

Here’s the Publishers Marketplace announcement:

It sold to Baumhaus, and I couldn’t be more excited!! (Be sure to check out their website–it’s ADORABLE.)

So, if any of you are fluent German readers or collectors of foreign books, be sure to keep your eyes peeled!  Of course…it won’t be released until 2013, but whatevs!  Gotta plan ahead.


You tell me: Is there one country in the world that you would want to sell to more than any other?