Sold! To that awesome country over there…
Wonderful news, everyone!! I’ve been itching to tell you all for a while now.
A few weeks ago, Something Strange and Deadly and its two sequels SOLD to…
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
(You can probably guess by the giant FLAG right there. If not, now’s your chance to learn something new.)
And the winning country iiiissss…
Yes, it’s incredibly exciting to have another country buy the book, but to be honest, selling to Germany is SUPER satisfying since
- I live there–and that means I can see it in the book and grocery stores I pass everyday!
- The Frenchman’s entire family speaks German. So in other words, even if the book never sells in France, at least my in-laws can still read the novel!
Here’s the Publishers Marketplace announcement:
It sold to Baumhaus, and I couldn’t be more excited!! (Be sure to check out their website–it’s ADORABLE.)
So, if any of you are fluent German readers or collectors of foreign books, be sure to keep your eyes peeled! Of course…it won’t be released until 2013, but whatevs! Gotta plan ahead.
You tell me: Is there one country in the world that you would want to sell to more than any other?
August 3, 2011 @ 9:37 am
yaaaaaaay Susan! How exciting!! I can’t think of anyone more deserving 🙂 I’m so glad you got your heart’s desire…
I, myself, would go kookoo if I had a book published in France. My husband is French Basque and, well, I just love the Frenchys and their awesome country! 😉
August 3, 2011 @ 12:12 pm
Oh yes! France is definitely my #2! Fingers crossed for the both of us, then! 😀
And thanks, Happy. Your comment makes my little heart feel warm and fuzzy. <3
katharine owens
August 3, 2011 @ 12:13 pm
that’s amazing.
And for me, the NL would definitely be high on my list because of my history with the country. But all Dutch people speak English so well, I wouldn’t really worry that they couldn’t read it.
August 3, 2011 @ 6:34 pm
Good point that the NL all speak English–excellent English at that. All the same, they still need the rights to sell it there, no? SO, I’ll keep my fingers crossed when that time comes for you!! 😀
Savannah J. Foley
August 3, 2011 @ 2:21 pm
Omg I do love their website!!! And congrats on selling German rights. How great will the day be when you’re sick of seeing your book every time you go into the grocery store? 😉
August 3, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
I know, isn’t it the freaking cutest site!? And I doubt the day will EVER come where I’d be sick of seeing my name in stores…though maybe seeing my cover might get old. 😉
August 3, 2011 @ 2:28 pm
Does it get much cuter than a sperm what being held up by a pink balloon? No, no it does not. CONGRATS!!
August 3, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
Hahaha, I can’t believe you recognize the species of whale. Adorable, Meredith. <3
August 3, 2011 @ 2:57 pm
Congrats, Sooz!! That’s so awesome!!
August 3, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
Thanks, Holly!! 😀
August 3, 2011 @ 3:37 pm
Oh, WHEEE! It must be an awesome feeling to have your book sold in your own country! And Germany’s cool, IMO, because their flag is Belgium’s flag, but horizontal. 😀 And I’d love to sell to Belgium — that’s where I was born.
August 3, 2011 @ 6:36 pm
Yahong, I did not know you were born in Belgium–how COOL! I can definitely see why you’d want to sell the rights there! 🙂
August 3, 2011 @ 5:22 pm
So exciting!!!! Esp since you’re in the country, can go to the bookshelf, and point to it in German!
If I could sell anywhere, it’d be Japan, since I lived there for a year and have a ton of friends there. It’d be so cool.
August 4, 2011 @ 11:30 am
Oh yeah! I have a close friend in Japan, and that’s her country-of-choice too! I shall send lots of brainwaves their way when the time arrives. How cool would it be if your book were a manga!?!?
August 3, 2011 @ 6:32 pm
That is amazing! Congratulations!
August 3, 2011 @ 6:37 pm
Thanks, Hannah! I’m pretty pumped!! 😀
Sarah J. Maas
August 3, 2011 @ 6:35 pm
HOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
August 3, 2011 @ 6:37 pm
YAAY!!! <3
August 4, 2011 @ 1:23 am
Awesome! Congrats Sooz! 🙂
August 4, 2011 @ 11:28 am
Thanks, Ashley!! 😀
Caitlin Darrell
August 4, 2011 @ 1:36 am
Congratulations Sooz! You’ll be able to point it out to randoms at the shops and say “See that? That’s me! That’s my baby!” (only, you know, in German). Today, Germany. Tomorrow? THE WORLD!!
August 4, 2011 @ 11:29 am
I LOVE IT! Today Germany. Tomorrow, the world. That will be my new motto!! It’s like I’m a book-dictator or something. Mwuhahahaha!
Arianna Sterling
August 4, 2011 @ 6:44 am
That’s completely awesome! Germany itself is completely awesome. I’ll definitely have to look into getting a German copy when it’s available just because…I kind of speak German occasionally. A lot. And get told off because my family has no clue what I’m saying (<–always cool).
August 4, 2011 @ 11:29 am
Um, heck yeah! That’s awesome, Arianna–your German is probs waaay better than mine. You can tell me if the translation is accurate or not! 😉
August 4, 2011 @ 8:46 pm
Woot-woot! 🙂
August 5, 2011 @ 11:32 am
Woot-woot is RIGHT! 😀
August 6, 2011 @ 5:51 am
Congratulations! That’s awesome news. I would have to pick Germany, too. I grew up there and when all is said and done, it’ll always be my home. And I’m always looking for an excuse to go home and visit my old haunts.
August 6, 2011 @ 1:01 pm
Thanks, Cheryl! And schade! You will definitely have to come make a visit…and buy my book. 😉
August 6, 2011 @ 12:22 pm
Wow, congrats! 😀 Must be so exciting for you. Too bad your book won’t be released there yet when I get to visit Germany in November.
If I were to sell outside of the US I’d really hope to sell to Taiwan. That’s where I am now and I would be SO excited if I got to see my book in the Eslite Bookstores! 😀
August 6, 2011 @ 1:02 pm
Taiwan? How cooool!! That IS too bad you won’t be there when it comes out. 🙁 You’ll just have to plan another trip, I guess! 😉