Ripple: a book recommendation
5 out of 5 stars.
Now, you may think I’m pimping this book out because Mandy is my buddy. Admittedly, that was how I got my hands on the ARC months ago. But I refuse to gush about books I don’t adore, so it’s fortunate that I ADORED this and can now gush freely. I’ve been saving this blog post for ages so that I could share my love AFTER the book was already out.
So once you read how great Ripple is, you must go buy it. Okay? Glad we agreed on that. Also, don’t miss You Wish, since it is also utterly wonderful and endearing.
Lexi is cursed with a dark secret. Each day she goes to school like a normal teenager, and each night she must swim, or the pain will be unbearable. She is a siren – a deadly mermaid destined to lure men to their watery deaths. After a terrible tragedy, Lexi shut herself off from the world, vowing to protect the ones she loves. But she soon finds herself caught between a new boy at school who may have the power to melt her icy exterior, and a handsome water spirit who says he can break Lexi’s curse if she gives up everything else. Lexi is faced with the hardest decision she’s ever had to make: the life she’s always longed for – or the love she can’t live without?
One of my favorite things about this story is that from the get-go, we feel Lexi’s agony. We see just how tough this curse is on her life, how much she wants her old life back, and how much she’s willing to sacrifice to keep her loved ones safe. Who can’t sympathize with a heroine like that?
And then Cole… Well, he’s dreamy and you’d have to be made of ice not to fall in love with him. Honestly, though, I had no idea who Lexi would wind up with–Cole was just who I was rooting for…until option B entered the scene.
I won’t spoil the story, but I WILL say it has a nice twist at the end–something I didn’t see coming at all. So if you’re in the mood for paranormal romance, tough choices, or creatures of the sea, be sure to check out Ripple!
You tell me: Have you read Ripple? Or anything else by Mandy Hubbard?
August 7, 2011 @ 7:23 pm
I haven’t read this, but really enjoyed You Wish and Prada and Prejudice. She’s a solid writer, and in the two I’ve read, there are always LOL moments. Great to hear your 2Cents here. :0)
August 10, 2011 @ 5:55 pm
Let me know if you like it! It’s much darker than YOU WISH or PRADA, but it’s still got a definite “Mandy” feel. 😀
August 7, 2011 @ 10:16 pm
I’ve always loved mermaids (Ariel, anyone??), but I think I’ll be avoiding this one, especially because of the love triangle. From the beginning, paranormal romances haven’t ever been my cup of tea, but pair them with a love triangle… yeah. 😛
August 10, 2011 @ 5:56 pm
Ah well, in that case, perhaps you shouldn’t look into this book. Of course, you might not like SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY, Yahong! While it isn’t a romance and there isn’t a triangle, it’s definitely paranormal…and a trilogy! 😉
August 8, 2011 @ 1:58 am
I think I heard about this book ages ago, but the synopsis sounded a little too far-fetched for me. Plus (sorry, Yahong), I’m not a huge mermaid fan (though I watched my fair share of The Little Mermaid in my day). But, of course, your recommendation changes everything. I’m adding RIPPLE to my TBR pile!
Speaking of your good taste… when will ARCs of SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY be circulating… and is there any way I can reserve one? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearly, I am very, very excited. 🙂
August 10, 2011 @ 5:57 pm
Good question, Madeleine, and I promise that the INSTANT I know about ARCs, I will be sharing that info on my blog. 😀 I too am (obviously!) very excited for that day!!
August 8, 2011 @ 5:53 am
I read part of Prada and Prejudice and wasn’t really a fan. I do think it was a good book, just not really my cup of tea.
Still, I’m definitely planning to give this one a shot, because the premise has had me going OOOOOOOH since I first read about it. And your review just adds to the number of Os in that OOOOHing.
August 10, 2011 @ 5:58 pm
Haha, well let me know if you like, Arianna. PRADA was her first book, and while I really enjoyed that one, I think Mandy’s writing has grown much stronger since! YOU WISH is simply wonderful and RIPPLE–while very different!–is too. 😀
August 8, 2011 @ 11:32 pm
I DO have Ripple, but my steampunk binge has cast it aside for a short while… I’ll remedy that eventually 😀 Especially since you like it!
August 10, 2011 @ 5:58 pm
Well, Jess, you can always just read the steampunk until you’re steampunk-ed out and then go back to Ripple… 😉
August 24, 2011 @ 9:15 am