My. Book. Is. On. AMAZON!!!


The amazing Sarah J. Maas just discovered something wonderful.

She found my book on Amazon.

It is for-freakin’-sale.

On top of that, there is a lot of new information to be learned on the Amazon page.

For example,  Something Strange and Deadly has a release date.

I had no idea.

But I am THRILLED to learn it.

The last time I asked Harper, they told me “July-ish”.  Well, apparently it will be available July 24th.

Amazon also declares the book as HarperTeen.

I had no idea (though I did guess).

But I’m THRILLED to learn it.

Since Harper Children’s bought the book, I wasn’t sure if they’d throw me in the HarperTeen pot or not.

Finally, Something Strange and Deadly has a list price. The hardcover is set at $17.00 (or $12.23 on Amazon).

Again, I had no idea, but I am THRILLED to learn it.

But best of all–the definite icing on this whole delicious cake–is that you can now pre-order the book.


How wild is that?

WOWZERS, guys. I am just in total shock. Elated shock. 😀

And…um…you tell me: is it terrible that I immediately pre-ordered my own book?