Publishing Industry Lowdown (January 23-27)
It’s that day again–time for Sooz’s YA and MG Publishing Industry Lowdow. The general idea is that I share all the deals I know if in the young adult and middle grade publishing world each Friday.
My source for deal news is Publishers Marketplace, which requires a paid subscription. As such I’m only sharing part of the information here–basically, just author names and pitches. If you want to know deal sizes (e.g. advances), editors, publishers, and agents, I highly recommend you sign up for PM–it’s totally worth the cost!
And yikes…who can believe January is almost over? Already?! Well, let’s get to these deals, shall we?
Lana Krumwiede’s untitled middle grade sequel to FREAKLING, in which a boy ventures into the Republik in order to reunite his family and restore stability to the city of Deliverance, for publication in Fall 2013.
Sarah Maas’s second book in the young adult THRONE OF GLASS series, which makes its global debut in Fall 2012, about a young but expert assassin and her quest to overthrow an evil king, in a two-book deal. ♥ ♥ ♥ WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Marion Jensen’s middle grade ALMOST SUPER, pitched as SAVVY meets THE INCREDIBLES, about two brothers in a family of superheroes who must team up with the girl they thought was their enemy to defeat the real super villains in town, despite having new powers that are total duds, in a two-book deal.
FREEZE FRAME author Heidi Ayarbe’s young adult THE STORY OF US, pitched as a “reverse aftermath” novel, in which a teen girl’s family life dramatically improves after a fire burns down her house, leading her to wonder if the fire was no accident.
Emma Trevayne’s debut young adult CODA, featuring an 18-year-old frontman of an underground band in a society where the only (legal) music is Corporation-sanctioned and digitally encoded to function as a deadly drug, and his rise to fame which gives him the opportunity to bring down the Corp — or suffer a fate worse than death for trying; pitched as THE MATRIX meets V FOR VENDETTA.
Playwright and actor Tom Isbell’s young adult THE HATCHERY, set in a post-apocalyptic future about a group of sixteen-year-old boys called Less Thans, who are convinced that their overseers at the orphanage are raising them as prey for hunters who kill for sport, in a three-book deal, for publication in 2013.
Annie Cardi’s debut young adult QUEEN OF THE AIR, about a teenage girl struggling to balance high school, passing Drivers Ed, and a new relationship while trying to keep her mother’s progressing mental illness — delusions that she is Amelia Earhart –secret, for publication in Spring 2014.
Coretta Scott King Honor winner Jewell Parker Rhodes’s young adult FIREFLIES AND MOON PIES, the coming-of-age story of a young girl who, with help from a bit of Southern folk magic, tries to salvage her summer along the banks of the Mississippi in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf oil spill for publication in Fall 2013.
Scott Seegert and illustrator John Martin’s middle grade VORDAK THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE: Double Trouble, the third book in the title character’s evil series bent on world domination, in which he clones himself with humorously disastrous results.
Cristina Moracho’s debut young adult ALTHEA AND OLIVER, about the 17-year-old title characters — inseparable friends since age six — whose relationship is splintered by her growing romantic attachment to him, and his succumbing to an incurable sleep disorder, Kleine-Levin Syndrome; pitched as THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE crossed with WEETZIE BAT and the work of Sarah Dessen.
(Source: Publisher’s Marketplace)
Other Stuff
So, I don’t have much to share this week (I’m still in the throes of packing my house for our move). Sorry!
Now, at the risk of raising your blood pressure a notch or two (or twenty), I’ll just share this “fun” link to start. (Prepare to feel your blood boil…but don’t bother leaving a comment. He deletes the ones he doesn’t like.)
If you’re interested in seeing how the numbers add up for a writer’s income, here’s an interesting (and honest) post from author Jim Hines (the same author who has reached great fame for his amazing attempts to mimic women on fantasy covers). Moral of the story? Most writers can’t support themselves from their writing alone, taxes are PAINFULLY high (since we qualify as self-employed), and there are no “benefits”.
And don’t miss these Pub(lishing) Crawl giveaways for Sarah J. Maas’s The Assassing and the Pirate Lord, Patrick Ness’s A Monster Calls and Dan Wells’s Partials,a manuscript/query/synopsis critique, a copy of Brodi Ashton’s Everneath, and a copy of Anne Ursu’s Breadcrumbs.
You tell me: Is there any industry news-bite or fun link you wanna share?
January 27, 2012 @ 10:32 am
Argh, that anti-Romance novel post is horrendous! Silly man. In happier news, some awesome books in there, especially Sarah’s! Woowoo!
Good luck with the packing 🙂
January 27, 2012 @ 11:38 am
I know. I think what really makes my blood boil over is how he thinks women who read romance should “grow up”. That we’re still stuck at 13-year-old maturity level.
Um…at 13, I was totally not into boys beyond little crushes. “Romance” as a actual romance didn’t start until high school, and OH WAIT. Most of the boys I knew were jerks, so it took me a solid 10 years of dating to meet my husband. OOOH, AND I *still* read romance novels and *still* adore them, yet I hardly consider myself immature.
Oh jeez. Sorry for the rant, Caitlin. It just COULDN’T be contained. 😉
January 27, 2012 @ 11:52 am
My blood is totally boiling! Not so much from the post but from his pompous attitude in the comments. What a jerk! I can only imagine what he has to say about YA…. anyways, good luck with the move!! Thanks once again for the roundup!
January 30, 2012 @ 12:25 pm
I know–I bet he hates YA even more than Romance. But JOKE’S ON HIM. I love what I write and couldn’t be happier doing it. 😉
January 27, 2012 @ 5:37 pm
…Okay. Thanks for getting my blood boiling this early in the day, Susan. ><
Other than that, yay for Sarah and Throne of Glass, and I really really want to read The Hatchery. It sounds like The Most Dangerous Game crossed with (oddly enough) Oliver Twist.
Also, is it wrong that I look at your lists every Friday and imagine my name on there? :p
January 30, 2012 @ 12:25 pm
I TOTALLY thought the same thing about THE HATCHERY. (Clearly “The Most Dangerous Game” is taught in high school curriculum all across the country. ;))
January 27, 2012 @ 7:58 pm
Personally, I find it pretty amusing when critics of certain genres (recently, YA and Romance) come out swinging & whining in a very public way about how these books aren’t “true art,” how they shouldn’t be so popular, sell so well, etc. I always think, “Geez. Jealous much?”
January 30, 2012 @ 12:26 pm
It’s so true, though, Nicole. Even if these people *aren’t* jealous (which…honestly, I think they must be), they make themselves look as if they are. As if they’re whining, “But MOOOOM, that’s not FAAAIR!”
January 27, 2012 @ 9:00 pm
<3 <3 <3 <3
January 30, 2012 @ 12:27 pm
<3 <3 <3 <3 Vampire-slaying, zombie-fighting, corporation-destroying soul twins of WIN!
January 29, 2012 @ 7:10 pm
FREAKLING sounds cool..although I’m not sure about the town of Deliverance. Wondering if it’s anything like the movie…cue creepy banjo music. Yay for THRONE OF GLASS! A lot of dystopian and post-apocalyptic stories! However, I really like the concept of FIREFLIES AND MOON PIES. Wow! Great stuff 🙂
January 30, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
Hahaha. The minute I read “Deliverance”, the banjo started playing up in my head. Eeeeew, creepy.
And I know–I thought FIREFLIES AND MOON PIES sounded great too. The idea of a girl using Southern magic? YES PLEASE! And jeez–the title alone evokes such a clear “Southern” image to me.