Being a Dog Person
I’ve talked about my dog, Asimov, a lot. I’ve shared his picture and gushed about how cute he can be. I tend to talk (a lot) about him to people that don’t really care…
But that’s just who I am. I love my dog as much as a person.
I know, people think it’s “wrong” or “weird” for me to value a dog’s life as highly as a value a person’s. I know that people think it’s because I don’t have children–“Oh, if you had kids, you wouldn’t be this way.” But, I don’t agree. This is how my mother is, my aunts are, my grandmother was… It’s in my blood to feel a life-connection with dogs.
Then, a few days ago, I read this post, and in between all my tears, I finally understood WHY I love dogs so much. WHY my dogs that died years ago still have the power to choke me up. WHY I would spend every dime I have on Asimov if he got sick or hurt. WHY some of my happiest day-to-day moments are when it’s just me and the dog.
There’s nothing that will make you feel more alive–make you appreciate the brevity of life–quite like having a pet will.
I know not everyone will relate, but I know a lot of people out there will.
So you tell me: are you a dog lover? Do you have a dog or pet now that means the world to you?
Sophia Chang
February 8, 2012 @ 12:59 pm
Yes! 100 times yes! Dog is God. It’s that deep for me.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 4:32 pm
Wow, you expressed it perfectly. <3
Victoria Marshall
February 8, 2012 @ 2:01 pm
I know exactly what you mean. We have two German shepherds at home and when I’m at university there are times I miss them more than my parents! A lot of people don’t get it, but to me they’re family just as much as my brother, and my parents/brother feel exactly the same 🙂
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 4:33 pm
It may sound terrible, but I always miss my dog more than my husband. I can chat with the Frenchman on the phone–he understands why I’m away. But Asimov? He doesn’t know why I left, and no one can cuddle with me quite like him… 😉
February 8, 2012 @ 2:52 pm
I got about two paragraphs into that linked post and had to stop. Can’t do it. I am such a dog lover. My dog is a part of my life, a member of my family. He always will be.
Asimov is so cute. He just looks like a cool soul.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 4:34 pm
A cool soul indeed. I’m trying to convince The Frenchman to get another dog–there’s a dog at our local animal shelter I REALLY want. (Great idea, too–right in the middle of moving. But Dogs Love waits for no one!)
Meredith Anderson
February 8, 2012 @ 3:48 pm
*sniffles* How true. There are so many people who do not, cannot, understand the connection between a pet and their owner, but there is a reason dogs are called man’s best friend. They love us just as much or more than we love them. The sight of them can make our day better because they’re waiting for us at the door. They know when you are sad and they do their best to cheer us up as well as they know how.
I haven’t had a dog for over eight years. I still miss her. She helped me through one of the worst periods of my life and I don’t feel bad for crying about her sometimes. But other people don’t understand that sadness. I get completely attached to many things, but especially animals. Along with Rosie, we had two cats. Harvey died four years after Rosie of Kidney failure. Both were nine years old when we had to put them down. Taz was our only pet left. He had always been shy and skittish and very anti-social. After being the only animal for a few weeks, Taz turned from anti-social cat to practically a dog and my own personal shadow. He waited for me at the door. He cuddled with me at night. He always wanted to be on my lap. He followed me wherever I went in the house. When he started getting sick, I knew I wouldn’t have him for long. Even though he tried to eat my food, I let him sit in my lap. Even though my legs cramped with him sitting in my lap, I let him stay there as long as I could. He lasted four months longer than we thought he would. I know cats and people have nowhere near the same relationship as dogs, and I know I will definitely get a dog before I get another cat, but I think it is because I know no other cat could be quite like a dog as Taz. It’s almost been a year and I miss him so much– but no one quite understands how I can miss him so badly as to start crying a year later.
So I get how you feel. Yes you might have kids and you will love them in a whole different way than a pet, but that doesn’t mean your love for your dog will be any less. You will always love him because he is your friend. He depends on you, and he is very much a part of your family.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 4:39 pm
So wonderfully put, Mer. I think cats can be just as amazing as dogs. My own cat, Duma, got me through a really tough period of my own life. I would have gone CRAZY if not for her, and just like Asimov, I’d spend all my $$ to keep her healthy and safe. Some cats are too aloof for that bond, but many cats are just as loyal and adoring as dogs. I totally understand why you would cry, even now. I cry like a baby at just the THOUGHT of losing one of my pets. I know it’s inevitable, though, and so I throw my love out there unbridled so we can all make the most of what time they do have.
February 8, 2012 @ 4:29 pm
OMG that post you linked to killed me. Tears!! I love dogs, and grew up with two Irish setters, so Asimov, in particular, tugs at my heart strings. The hubby and I have yet to get one of our own (we aren’t home often enough and I just don’t think it would be fair to the puppy) but soon…very soon… 🙂
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 4:40 pm
Tears is RIGHT. I bawled like a baby, and the past two days, I’ve been especially doting with Asimov and the cats. You’re smart to not get a dog when you don’t have the time for it, but hopefully you’ll be able to welcome one into your family soon.
Lori M Lee
February 8, 2012 @ 5:50 pm
(oh god, sorry for the long winded comment)
I wasn’t a dog person at first. In fact, I was terrified of them due to a childhood trauma that went deep enough that I had suppressed the memories. But my subconscious remembered well enough to give me nightmares about being chased/bitten by dogs (and I never knew why until my older sisters told me about the incident–they, too, are terrified of dogs).
But my husband is a huge dog lover, and he had several as a kid. He wanted to just go “look” at pitbull puppies so I went along and they were so darn cute >_< And then he wanted one and I was like D: but I couldn't say no to the puppy face. I totally regretted it at first–I was resentful b/c I felt like my 'safe space' (my home) had been invaded WHICH IS RIDICULOUS, I know, he was just a puppy but OMG I felt so unequipped to deal with a dog lol.
But despite how I felt, the fact remained that we had taken on this little life and he was our responsibility, one I didn't take lightly. Even though I've always been scared of dogs, I value any and all life. And, naturally, he began to grow on me 🙂 Now, I love Pluto to itty bitty pieces and I'm no longer afraid of dogs. In fact, we got another one!
I love them both, even if they drive me up a wall sometimes, and I would do whatever it took to keep them safe and healthy. Now, what terrifies me is someday having to let them go.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
Ahh, I have a few friends with dog fears who are now hardcore dog lovers. A traumatic experience is definitely something you can’t just *get over*, but I’m SO glad to hear you’ve transformed thanks to Pluto!! And two dogs–yippee! I’m in the middle of trying to convince the Frenchman that I need another dog. 😉
Tina Moss
February 8, 2012 @ 6:55 pm
Agree to the power of infinity. My little love is my corgi Chuck. He’s on my website and heck, he’s my mascot. He rocks. And even if I had children, I’d feel the same. My whole family are dog people and we know the special relationship you can have with these furry friends.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 8:24 pm
Aww, Chuck IS on your website (yes, I just stalked you and went to check. ;)). That’s AWESOME. Dogs are the absolute best writing companions, and I love knowing he takes such a front-and-center part of your (and your family’s) life. <3
Arianna Sterling
February 8, 2012 @ 7:14 pm
I love dogs! I’ve grown up having them around, and I can’t imagine NOT having a dog in the house (so it’ll be really weird when I move out this fall and don’t have one…). A few years ago, my grandparents had to put my first dog to sleep. She was theirs always and lived with them, but they got her as a puppy a few months before I was born and people always told me how she would stand in front of my crib to guard me while I napped and I loved that dog more than I’ve loved just about anything else in my life. I agree whole-heartedly that dogs are just as important as people for a lot of us.
Susan Dennard
February 8, 2012 @ 8:26 pm
Aww, what a sweet and sad story. I remember the first dog we had to put down, and even though I was young, I was heartbroken (he was also an Irish setter, like Asimov). Sometimes it really is better to put them to sleep–once they’ve lost all enjoyment with life–but it’s still so, so incredibly hard. But at least you know they’ve lived a long, full life with a family that adored them.
Oh jeez, I’m crying just writing this response!! 😛
Rachel Searles
February 8, 2012 @ 11:23 pm
Oh, that post you linked to was so sad. I had a couple of nice dogs growing up, and while I don’t have the time for one now, I have a little black cat with such a sweet personality. He follows me around the house all day and curls up with me in the evenings. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
Susan Dennard
February 9, 2012 @ 1:03 am
Trust me, I can relate. My cat, Duma, got me through a lot of long, lonely times. She’s been with me 9 years, and I’m hoping for at least 9 more. Just the thought of losing her….oh jeez, my throat closes up. And she’s not even that *nice* a cat–lots of personality yes, but not very sweet. 😉
Katelyn Larson
February 9, 2012 @ 4:50 am
This post, and the one you linked to, speak to my heart, Sooz. I have three dogs back home and when I’m at school, I miss them more than anything else. I can call my parents and Skype them and text and a dozen other things, but I can’t talk with my dogs 🙁 I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve stopped talking mid-sentence while on Skype just to try to get one of my dogs’ attention (It never works. Something about the computer makes them not recognize me). So I get you, Sooz, 100%. I will never be able to live without dogs. My biggest issue is going to be picking just one or two… I’ll probably end up with my own little pack 😉
Susan Dennard
February 10, 2012 @ 6:18 am
Oh I know what you mean. Whenever I help my mom at the animal shelter where she works, I want to bring them ALL home. Just the thought of the pound, and I start crying. So, so, SO many dogs need homes in the US. It’s tragic and so sad.
But at least WE’RE wonderful pet owners, right? And one day, you’ll have your own pack. 😉
Katlin Collins
February 10, 2012 @ 11:18 pm
I absolutely love my dog. I mean, he can make me so mad at points but he’s able to make me smile again. I remember that my dad said something about giving him away and I just burst into tears. I wouldn’t stop crying until he agreed not to say anything like that. My dog is my best-est friend.