Finnikin of the Rock: a book recommendation
5 out of 5 stars.
I will admit: it took me 3 tries to read this book. The prologue was just so…dull to me, and even the opening chapter. But I had heard so many great things about this book, that I forced myself on try #3 to just keep reading.
And I am so glad I did.
At the age of nine, Finnikin is warned by the gods that he must sacrifice a pound of flesh to save his kingdom. He stands on the rock of the three wonders with his friend Prince Balthazar and Balthazar’s cousin, Lucian, and together they mix their blood to safeguard Lumatere.
But all safety is shattered during the five days of the unspeakable, when the king and queen and their children are brutally murdered in the palace. An impostor seizes the throne, a curse binds all who remain inside Lumatere’s walls, and those who escape are left to roam the land as exiles, dying by the thousands in fever camps.
Ten years later, Finnikin is summoned to another rock—to meet Evanjalin, a young novice with a startling claim: Balthazar, heir to the throne of Lumatere, is alive. This arrogant young woman claims she’ll lead Finnikin and his mentor, Sir Topher, to the prince. Instead, her leadership points them perilously toward home. Does Finnikin dare believe that Lumatere might one day rise united? Evanjalin is not what she seems, and the startling truth will test Finnikin’s faith not only in her but in all he knows to be true about himself and his destiny.
This book contains your usual fantasy world: there’s some magic, the plot involves a prophecy, and there are some Evil Bad Guys. But ignore all that, because despite the somewhat lackluster world and premise, this book is amazing.
It broke my heart and then put it back together…only to break it again. And again. And what had my heart breaking–and my eyes pouring, truth be told–were the characters. Their interactions. Their emotions. Marchetta is a master of characterization, of tapping into those deep-seeded pains we ALL understand. I have read many, many epic fantasies in my life, but I’m not sure a book has ever managed to make my stomach twist, my eyes burn, or my arms chill in quite the way Finnikin of the Rock did.
Look, I’ll even admit that the middle chunk of the book was a bit confusing for me and not all that gripping. I am a NOTORIOUSLY impatient reader–especially when it comes to YA–but the emotional resonance in Finnikin was so profound, I kept turning pages despite my confusion.
Guys, the last 150 pages of this book are mind-blowing. Beautiful. Satisfying. Gut-wrenching. I am so, so, SO glad I read the whole thing–and I’ve heard the sequel, Froi of the Exiles, is even better. I intend to read it ASAP. Even though Finnikin ends on an upbeat, satisfying note, I NEED MORE. I need more of these characters, more of their interactions, and above all, more of this bittersweet heartache Marchetta is so deft at creating.
So yes, I had a few “issues” with the book, but I’m sharing those with you so–in case you’re as impatient as I am–you know to keep reading too. Those “issues” did not in anyway make this book less than 5 stars. And keep in mind, most people don’t get bored or confused with Finnikin (sometimes I think I must be the pickiest, snottiest reader ever).
If you like literary fiction, epic fantasy, and emotional depth, then I promise you, you will love Finnikin of the Rock.
You tell me: have you read Finnikin? Or Froi? What did you think?
April 9, 2012 @ 2:12 pm
I love, love, love Finnikin so incredibly much it made me rewrite my WIP entirely because I felt so lacking in comparison after reading it. For the same reasons, really. I’ve always read epic fantasy and I have several bookcases devoted entirely to epic fantasy, but I can think of only a handful of books that moved me like this. There is one scene that still makes me cry even when I read it out of context.
And Froi… Oh Froi. It’s not an easy read, but so very worth it to spend more time with those characters. 🙂
April 11, 2012 @ 3:53 pm
I am THE SAME, Marieke. I felt my own work lacked after reading TROUBLED WATERS and then FINNIKIN and now THE THIEF, I realize just how much I want to add to my own book in terms of emotion and world-building.
Have you read INDA by Sherwood Smith? That book…oh WOW. Or ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE by Robin Hobb? Again–oh wow. After reading FINNIKIN, I wanted to pull those out and reread so badly!
April 11, 2012 @ 5:09 pm
INDA not yet. I’ve had it in my hands SO MANY TIMES but never actually tried it. *makes note to buy* But oh, ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE! All the love. ALL the love.
In terms of worldbuilding, Alison Goodman’s EON did the same for me. The world she created is so lush and vivid, I keep going back to it to find out just HOW she did that.
In terms of emotion, Pat Rothfuss’s THE NAME OF THE WIND. Without doubt one of the best epic fantasies I read in recent years. And there’s something about the way he plays with characterization… blew me away.
April 11, 2012 @ 1:08 am
This has been on my TBR list for awhile now…I still haven’t gotten a copy of it. I hear that most end up loving the book, though parts may take a bit to get through, and I’m intrigued by the second book as well.
– Jessica @ Book Sake
April 11, 2012 @ 3:56 pm
Yeah, I was definitely a bit bored/confused in the middle, but I’m glad I pushed through. 😀
April 11, 2012 @ 8:54 am
This books sounds great and I’ve heard only good things about all of Melina’s books.
Also thank you so much for the book plates. They’re even prettier in person 🙂
April 11, 2012 @ 3:56 pm
Oh yay! I’m so glad the book plates reached you!! 😀 And yes, I’ve heard Marchetta is a master in her contemporary books, and I think it’s her literary bent that lends so much emotion to FINNIKIN.