Let the Something Strange & Deadly Countdown begin!

You may have noticed something GIGANTIC and DIFFERENT about my blog. In case you didn’t (or in case you’re reading this through an RSS feed), then I shall point out the change to you.

It’s an enormous countdown widget. Yep, that’s right. We have officially PASSED the two month countdown date, and we are now down to 54 DAYS UNTIL SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY RELEASES!!

Okay. Phew. Sorry for the sudden all caps and bold font. I am, to say the least, a weeeeee bit excited.

And to share in that excitement, I’ve put together this nice little countdown widget. Feel free to add it to your own blog or website or twitter or WHATEVER. And spreading the word about it is very appreciated. 🙂

Now, let the great experiment…er…COUNTDOWN begin! HUZZAH!