Updates and Giveaways
It has been a WHOLE MONTH since SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY released! Where does the time go?! Well, happy birthday to my little book.
It has also been quite a while since I last posted, and I’m dreadfully ashamed. In my defense, a lot has been going on and I was without internet access for most of it. So much stuff has been happening, in fact, that I’m just going have to do an old fashioned list post here to catch you all up…
1. Today is a day of GIVEAWAYS on Twitter! To celebrate the book’s 1 month birthday. 🙂 All you have to do is RT my tweets to be eligible to win. Some of the items I’m giving away today include:
- Limited edition Aim for the Knees t-shirt (starts at 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM
- Signed copies of Something Strange and Deadly (starts at 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM)
- Limited edition Aim for the Knees necklace (starts at 2:00 PM)
2. Events, events, EVENTS. There are so many on the horizon, I don’t know what to do with myself. The first up is next Anderson’s in Chicago on Thursday, Aug. 30th. I’ll be signing with Veronica Roth (DIVERGENT), Erica O’Rourke (TORN), Dan Krokos (FALSE MEMORY), and Leigh Bardugo (SHADOW & BONE). There is some exclusive content action going on for this event, and you can learn more about it all here.
The next days–Friday, Aug. 31 and Saturday, Sept. 1–have me with Sarah J. Maas (THRONE OF GLASS) at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA. We’ll both be on panels as well as wondering the crowds, indulging our nerd passions.
Wednesday, Sept. 5th is ANOTHER multi-author event, this time in Asheville, NC at Malaprop’s. I’ll be with Sarah J. Maas, Meagan Spooner (SKYLARK), Gwenda Bond (BLACKWOOD), and Beth Revis (ACROSS THE UNIVERSE).
Finally, to wrap up this little Southeastern tour, I’ll be in my hometown of Dalton, GA on Sept. 10th and 11th. First for a school visit (500 seventh graders, ALL AT ONCE. I am terrified.) and then for a Post-Launch Party at the Dalton Freight Depot! Learn more about that party/event/signing here.
3. I also attended 2 events since I last blogged. A wonderful signing at a small town Barnes and Noble and then a teen meet-up/movie night with a nearby library. It was SO MUCH FUN.
4. Hubby, dogs, cats, and I moved. Yes. It’s true. We moved. Again. Why? Because the Frenchman has a job. This job takes us places. And–in case you haven’t already noticed–we are no longer in Germany. I adored my time in Europe, but I’m glad to be home. Although, my new office is a DISASTER. So many BOOKS, so little shelf space.
4. Since I last blogged, I also read some amazing novels. Specifically: GUSTAV GLOOM by Adam-Troy Castro, SCARLET by Marissa Meyer, and BOUND by Erica O’Rourke. They were all fantastic. Seriously. And BOUND? Seriously the best finale to a trilogy I have ever seen in YA. I can’t stop thinking about it.
5. I also did copyedits for A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY (the sequel to SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY). They were painless enough, and afterwards, I was rewarded with a glimpse of the book’s final cover–mwuhahaha–and I think we might be seeing ARCs in the not too distant future (though the ARCs won’t be available for reading yet).
6. I wrote 12K in a novella that I cannot yet share the details over. Suffice it to say there is a very high likelihood it will be available sometime next year. Now, to just write the remaining ~10K. :-/
7. I saw the latest BATMAN movie and TOTAL RECALL. Guys. GUUUYSSS. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is probably the best movie experience I have enjoyed all year. It was just…perfect. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt is officially my newest celebrity crush. ♥ TOTAL RECALL was also awesome, but primarily because Colin Farrell and Kate Beckinsale are wonderful actors.
8. I started making my own bread. Writing about all this healthy living inspired me to stop being lazy about my bread. It was so easy to get “good” bread in Germany, but I needed a new approach. So I gave the famous 5-minute artisan bread a try, and WOW. So easy. So delicious. I highly, highly recommend it.
9. It was my sister’s birthday. She turned 25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIL SIS! ♥
10. Oh, and also to celebrate today’s book birthday, Laura Wardle has kindly hosted me on her blog for an interview and GIVEAWAY! Don’t miss it. 😉
So there you have it. Lots going on. I have a feeling I’ll be absent over the next few weeks thanks to all the traveling, BUT I hope I can at least share pictures. Keep your eye on Facebook. 😉
And now, YOU TELL ME! What have you guys been up to? I feel so out of touch.
August 24, 2012 @ 2:08 pm
So excited to take part in the giveaway and I wish I could purchase the books from Anderson’s Bookshop but I checked and they only ship to US/Canada. Oh well then. 🙁
And eeee! I loved The Dark Knight Rises as well! Though there have been some negative reviews about it I really loved it and loved the ending to bits. 😛
Btw, you have two no. 4s 😛
Susan Dennard
August 24, 2012 @ 5:22 pm
Ha! 2 #4s. That should show how scattered I am these days. 😀
Dude. DARK KNIGHT ending was just INSANE. Every little layer and hint was wrapped up in this insane blow-out. It’s my kind of story-telling ALL THE WAY, and I’m literally getting chills as I type this.
And sorry about the Anderson’s limitation. 🙁 You’ll just have to visit the States one day. 😉
August 24, 2012 @ 2:28 pm
That’s definitely a lot on your plate and a looooot of travel in the upcoming weeks! Yikes! I think it is so freaking cool that you’re speaking at a school back in your hometown. So.cool. Did you go there? I think it would be totally surreal to speak at a school you once attended.
YAY for Artisan Bread in 5 Mins a Day! You’re going to get hooked. I stuck to the peasant loaf for quite a while until I started experimenting and making up my own recipes (because it’s really very hard to mess up that bread). Isn’t the smell of that bread baking in your oven like the BEST thing EVER?
Susan Dennard
August 24, 2012 @ 5:20 pm
Dude, you’re the one who told me about the artisan bread, and I FINALLY caved and tried it. I just ordered the whole grains book, and I can’t WAIT to try new varieties.
And no, I didn’t go to that specific school (it wasn’t built yet), but it IS a lot of my old teachers. I’m so nervous and so excited at the same time. The best part is a meet up with ~30 students who will have actually read the book!! I can’t wait for that…
Peggy Eddleman
August 24, 2012 @ 10:49 pm
Oh my goodness. SO MUCH HAPPENING! It sounds like it’s all been a blast, too! And don’t worry about those seventh graders. You’ll do fabulous! (And if you’re worried about that many eyes on you at once, just remember– they’re seventh graders! They can’t stay focused on anything for more than two seconds. So you’ll really only have 12.5% of the eyes on you at any given time. :))
Lori T.
August 25, 2012 @ 3:38 am
Wow! That’s so much! I wish one of those events was closer to where I live. Someday. I’m sure you must be thrilled to be living back in the States again. Oh, I LOVED the DARK KNIGHT RISES…so much I saw it twice…in one week! LOL! You’re right, it’s an absolutely brilliant movie. I keep stalking Amazon, hoping for a DVD release date to be announced soon 😛 And yes, please do write a character that reminds us all of the wonderful, handsome, charming Joseph Gordon-Levitt. That would be fantastic! I need to try that bread recipe. I love bread so much and there’s not much that’s better than fresh bread. Have a great time at all your upcoming events!
August 25, 2012 @ 6:02 am
I wished I lived in the southeast!!! Ugh. I despair of ever getting a chance to meet you or Sarah… *sighoverdramatic-like*
Congratulations on the book being out for a month! It’s so exciting! I keep thinking about it. I’m pretty sure I mentioned I was determined to read it before my wedding? Well, that didn’t work out. To tell you the truth, I kept sneaking the book out every few moments trying to read. One of my friends was nice enough to offer to drive me around on my errands so I could read while she drove! I’ve been telling everyone I can to read it because I absolutely loved it. I cannot wait for the second book, Sooz! Any ideas on when that might be coming out? Will we have to wait a whole year??? Have fun at your signings!!!
August 28, 2012 @ 10:41 pm
Yay! for the one-month anniversary 🙂 Making bread is the awesomest–the smell alone is worth it. Did you know you can keep dough in the fridge and bake it later? I bet you did know that. But it’s a great trick for when you get busy. So is homemade pizza dough. But I digress. Hmm…the Anderson’s event is kinda close to me (within an hour radius is close when you live in the boondocks…) I hope I can make it! I’ve been up to nothing exciting, just writing 🙂 Which is exciting for me and probably not many other people.