If you liked Something Strange and Deadly…
…then I think you might like these books, too.
I’ve had a number of people email/tweet me for other books they might like after finishing Something Strange and Deadly. Since–ya know–there’s a full 9 months before A Darkness Strange and Lovely releases, so I am more than happy to comply.
1. The first book I would recommend–even though there aren’t any zombies or steampunk elements in sight–is Libba Bray’s A Great and Terrible Beauty. I adore this series, and I think most readers of SS&D will too.
2. The Native Star and its sequel The Hidden Goddess by M.K. Hobson are my next recs. It’s not technically YA, but I think it’s absolutely suitable for teens. I love the heroine, Emily, and Dreadnought Stanton–DREADNOUGHT STANTON!! Oh my, he might be one of my favorite male leads of all time.
3. Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan was so amazing that I devoured it in a night. It has twisty mystery, a ton of humor, and an achingly wonderful romance. I cannot possibly recommend this book enough!
4. Sabriel by Garth Nix was what inspired me to go with walking dead and necromancy. His necromancy is FAR more clever than mine, but it’s also deliciously dark and creepy. I adore the entire Abhorsen series, and I really wanted to offer a similar aura of death in mine.
5. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins is a wonderful example of a snarky heroine who is definitely thrown into a world for which she ain’t prepared–which is kinda similar to SS&D. Also, Archer=SWOON.
6. The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong had the same assistant editor who ended up acquiring SS&D, so clearly there are some parallels. Necromancy, girl with unexpected powers, misfit teens, and a delicious mystery make this book a favorite for me.
7. Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier is a lot like Unspoken in terms of voice, and I just adored the main character, Gwyneth. The word “romp” pretty much embodies this book, and the sequel, Sapphire Blue, releases in a few weeks. EEEE!
8. Dearly Departed by Lia Habel is not a book I’ve actually read. HOWEVER, I hear it compared a lot or recommended a lot by people who’ve read both my book and this one. And I assume those people must know what they’re talking about. 😉
You tell me: If you’ve read Something Strange and Deadly, do you have any reading recommendations to offer?
October 19, 2012 @ 5:10 pm
I love these recommendations– thanks, Sooz! RUBY RED was fantastic– I am so looking forward to Sapphire Blue… but not as much as I am looking forward to A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY 🙂
October 22, 2012 @ 5:52 pm
Seriously, if you liked RUBY RED, then you will love UNSPOKEN. Very similar voices. Oh gosh, SO CLOSE to the SAPPHIRE BLUE release. I am literally counting the days…
October 20, 2012 @ 8:15 pm
The whole time I was reading Something Strange and Deadly I was thinking of how it would be perfect for Gemma Doyle fans! Dearly, Departed fits really well, too.
October 22, 2012 @ 5:53 pm
Cool! I’m glad you agree with the DEARLY, DEPARTED rec. I haven’t read it, but I definitely want to! 😀
October 22, 2012 @ 7:39 am
Oh gosh lol I’ve read all I this books except for Dearly Departed! I’m reading UNSPOKEN right now and deer gawd SRB is playing with my feelings… What are you reading right now, Sooz? 🙂
October 22, 2012 @ 5:54 pm
I know, RIGHT?! UNSPOKEN is so, so, SO good. As for what I’m reading right now, I’ve been on an Agatha Christie binge lately. I used to be obsessed with her mysteries when I was a preteen/teen, and the beauty is…I don’t remember most of the whodunits! So, I’m rereading and being re-surprised as each murderer is unveiled. If you haven’t read Christie, I totally recommend!
October 23, 2012 @ 1:29 am
I haven’t read the Gemma Doyle trilogy yet, but I was fortunate enough to meet Libba Bray a few weeks ago and she’s fantastic! I recently read UNSPOKEN and really enjoyed it. DEARLY, DEPARTED is one of my favorite books. I absolutely love it! I can see why SS&D would get some comparisons, but trust me, it’s very complimentary. Hope you get to read it (and the sequel, DEARLY, BELOVED) soon. They’re wonderful!
What would I recommend? The ROT & RUIN series (sequels: DUST & DECAY and FLESH & BONE). This is one of my top favorite series because it’s unbelievably wonderful, engrossing, and exciting. I’m always recommending it to people who’re wanting a “good book” to read and enjoys about anything.
October 23, 2012 @ 1:43 am
ROT & RUIN is totally on my list! I got to meet Jonathan Maberry at Dragon*Con and we were on a few panels together. He was SO COOL and SO FRIENDLY. That alone made me want to read his books, and then the whole awesome premise did too… 😉
October 24, 2012 @ 12:21 pm
This might be late but have you read the Spiritwalker series by Kate Elliott? They are FABULOUS! I love them so much. It’s very similar to The Native Star with some basic set ups, atmosphere, mood, but quite a bit different. This series is a bit more on the world building but is just delicious. The first book is a bit slow in the beginning but then it gets fabulous! I’m in LOVEEEEEEEE with the second book and I can’t wait for the third to come out!
November 5, 2012 @ 3:57 pm
It’s so funny you mention the Kate Elliott series! I bought it ages ago and literally just decided to pick it up this week! AWESOME! I am so glad to hear I’m in for a treat!