$1.99 e-book of Something Strange and Deadly!
In case you haven’t already seen me obnoxiously tweeting this announcement, the $1.99 sale for the Something Strange and Deadly e-book is STILL running! You can buy the book at any of your usual e-tailers, and the offer runs until 7/14/2013.
In other news–while I have you here–I’ve updated the Something Strange and Deadly website. It is, I hope, a bit easier to navigate. Plus, I’ve added some historical content to go along with A Dawn Most Wicked. Check it out if you have a chance. Oh, and historical content for book 2 will be coming along soon. 🙂
In other FREAK OUT NEWS, book 2 releases in only 19 days. O_O I am amazed that the past year has flown by this quickly. Where oh where did it go?
Well, that’s all I really have to share at this point. I’ll be back Friday with a meatier post full of quality goodness. 😉 À bientôt!
Oh, and because I can’t stop listening to this, here (and you’re welcome):
July 4, 2013 @ 3:40 am
This $1.99 sale is SUCH a good thing, as I get to share the awesomeness of your book with everyone else. I also may or may not have purchased an e-book copy for myself to have… But YAY! Congratulations Susan! 19 days, and I will finally have A Darkness Strange & Lovely in my hands <3
July 5, 2013 @ 5:38 pm
You’re so awesome for all your giveaways, Alexa. I mean…really. REALLY. You didn’t have to do that at all, yet you did. Multiple times. I have no words to express how warm and fuzzy that makes me feel.
July 4, 2013 @ 4:03 pm
AAAAHHHHH, I hope I can get this <333 (adghkds, why aren't you guys stocked in my country's bookstores? ;___;)
YAY, only 19 days to go!!! (almost said 'happy birthday!' haha!)
July 4, 2013 @ 7:06 pm
Hi Rae. Although I’m in the US, I’ve had that problem with ordering German and French books, and then I found this website: http://www.bookdepository.com/ They ship free worldwide! It’s all kinds of awesome. (Can be slow, depending on where you are, especially if you are used to the speediness of 2-day shipping. I think usually it takes about 10-14 days for me to get stuff…)
Also, they have a pre-order for the new one here: http://www.bookdepository.com/Darkness-Strange-Lovely-Susan-Dennard/9780062083296
July 5, 2013 @ 4:11 pm
I have also used The Book Depository and actually managed to get my pre-ordered book early, which I think is pretty unusual. Definitely check them out.
July 5, 2013 @ 5:37 pm
I TOO have used Book Depository for all my international giveaways. It’s owned by Amazon (I think…?) and that free shipping bit is kind of amazing.
July 6, 2013 @ 9:35 am
Ohh, thank you!!!
July 4, 2013 @ 7:08 pm
Ahh! $1.99 is all kinds of awesome. I recommended it all over. Also, I saw you were trending. WOOT! I’m so excited for you!!!! You are one of the most deserving people ever. <3 Hope the next one will trend, too. 🙂 Can't wait for it.
July 5, 2013 @ 5:36 pm
What?! Trending?! This is AWESOME!! 😀 😀 Thanks for letting me know about that. It totally made my Friday.
Also you’re a sweetheart. <3