Something Strange & Deadly, Final Discussions!
First off, let me start this post by sharing my Dragon*Con schedule (since that’s where I’ll be all of Labor Day weekend). Sarah J. Maas and I will be chillin’ like villains–and IN COSTUME, no less–while planning out more of our Starkillers Cycle during every free second we get.
- Find me at the SFWA Booth at ~3 PM (near the Artists’ & Comics’ Alley)
- 11:30 AM: Advice for Young Writers; Location: A707 – Marriott
- 8:30 PM: Historical Fiction and Steampunk Themes; Location: A707 – Marriott
- 1:00 PM: Reading with Sarah J. Maas; Location: Vinings – Hyatt
- 2:30 PM: Autograph Sessions; Location: International Hall South – Marriott
I am, quite honestly, really sad the book club is already over. 🙁 It feels like we just got started!! But, because this has been such a huge success, I will definitely be repeating the club next year–but next time for books 2 and 3. 😉
Now, in case you missed it, I’ll shoot you toward the playlist from Wednesday (complete with song-explanations). Each musical selection goes along with the opening scenes of A Darkness Strange and Lovely, but don’t worry. There are no spoilers. 🙂
And finally, if you haven’t yet stopped by the Epic Reads discussion board, please do! Today is the last day of their book club, and they’ve really dug into the various discussions this week!! They’ve even put up our own questions on there–including this week’s:
“‘Eleanor, you have a choice,’ [Jie] said softly. ‘You always have a choice’” (p. 166, Something Strange & Deadly)
How do you think this quote relates to the overall theme of Something Strange and Deadly? Do you think Eleanor behaves as if she has a choice at the start of the book? What about at the end of the book? And do other characters behave as if they have a choice or do some see themselves as victims of circumstance?
For those of you reading A Darkness Strange & Lovely, this week’s question was:
How do you think the same quote from book 1 continues to apply to A Darkness Strange and Lovely? Particularly with regards to Eleanor’s own magic—both its presence and how she uses it. Do you think she actually has a choice throughout the book? And if so, do you agree with or understand her decisions or actions? What about the actions of other characters?
As usual, everyone has had some really great thoughts on the subject of choice and circumstance. It’s been a blast reading all the discussions–to which I have linked below! Feel free to hop around and interact with each other. And if you want yours added to the list make sure you fill out this form. :)*
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Epic Reads (there’s lots going on here this week!!)
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Don’t forget to fill out this form if you want to be eligible for the Participation Prize (a copy of the e-novella A DAWN MOST WICKED or an extra, cut scene from A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY).
You can find the participation form here.
And of course, you still have until Sunday night to answer this last week’s discussion question and be eligible for this week’s prize (a SIGNED copy of THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas, and a signed copy of SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY or A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY).
You can find the week 4 form here.
Now stay tuned for the FINAL EPIC WINNER, who I’ll announce on Monday! And thank you, thank you, thank you for all the participation and interaction. I really, truly had so much fun and can’t wait to do this again.
You all rock.
September 2, 2013 @ 3:22 pm
Oh man…I was so sure that I filled out the form for this week…Ah well. Thank you so much for this, Sooz!
Nara @ Looking for the Panacea
September 6, 2013 @ 4:27 pm
Dang it! Did I forget to fill out the form for the final discussion? I was so sure that I did, but can’t remember…