Giveaway Extravaganza Day #4
Yes, today’s prizes are Fabulous Food — specifically, Fabulous Brain Food.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaways for Day #1, Day #2, or Day #3. Lots of swag for my readers and friends! You have the whole week & weekend to enter each day’s giveaway, and all winners will be announced next week.
Learn What Makes These Foods So Special:
I talked fast this time!! Yay! (Why is that talking to a camera makes me sooooo chatty? Am I just that lonely? Or do I merely crave speaking in English…?)
***Random aside: does anyone else think my left nostril looks super enormous? WTF? I promise my nostrils are the same size.
So, in case you don’t want to watch the video, here is a list of what you could win:
- Mozartkugeln — literally translates to Mozart Balls, and only found in Austria
- Pfeffernüsse cookies — special German Christmas cookies
- Karamellgebäck — delicious cookies meant to be consumed with coffee
- Saure Bären — best sour gummy bears. Ever.
To enter:
- Click follow in the right column (if you aren’t already). You don’t have to do this, but it’d be cool if you could…
- Scroll to the bottom and leave a friendly comment.
- If you have blogged or tweeted about the Extravaganza Day 4, let me know in the comments (you can always come back and comment again if you decide to blog/tweet later). You get your name in the drawing an extra time for tweeting or blogging.
- I’ll put everyone’s names in a random-selector-thingy, and next Wednesday, I’ll announce the winner!
You tell me:
What’s your favorite brain food? Do you go healthy or go straight for the carbs (like me)? Ever had any of these munchies I’m giving away?
October 28, 2010 @ 11:58 am
I don’t think I’ve ever taken any brain food. Hmmmmm I guess I drink tea when I need to do something. High five for caffeine.
Lol I got such a sweet tooth during that video.
October 28, 2010 @ 12:00 pm
Guten Tag. Wie geht es ihnen? Mozartkulgen sind sehr gut.
October 28, 2010 @ 1:01 pm
Yes! Cookies are my brain food too! Granted, not cool German cookies, but cookies none the less. Excellent prizes and excellent video. 🙂
Katharine Owens
October 28, 2010 @ 3:21 pm
yum. When we lived in the Netherlands we were crazy about stroopwaffles. So good. The crack of cookies.
I will post this on the sidebar, too.
PK Hrezo
October 28, 2010 @ 8:22 pm
YUM-O! I tweeted. :)I love German treats. I once traveled through Europe with a homemade Stollen cake in a big shoe box…. all the way back home. LOL! Quite comical.
My fave healthy snack?? Hmmm….. Probably granola bars and bananas. 🙂
October 28, 2010 @ 10:00 pm
The only thing nearly as good as Mozartkulgen are Haribo anything, but I can get them at Aldi. Ach, mein lieblingsfruend, dein Wettbewerb (?) ist sehr AWESOME! Mein lieblingsessen sind … um … Pods. Do you guys have them in America/Germany? They’re like, little biscuity things with Mars bars and Snickers inside…? Anyway, they’re my favourite snack in the whooooole world!
Danke Susan!! 😀
October 29, 2010 @ 2:45 am
Susan! You are awesome. A girl’s gotta follow her heart to cookies every time. I was wondering how you survived your masters here, and then I realized that chocolate (especially chocolate cookies) make excellent brain food. Hope all is well 🙂
Jules Wood
October 29, 2010 @ 6:52 am
COOKIES. Yum. I can’t eat sour gummy bears, I’m afraid. I’m a walking, chewing tragedy: born with soft enamel, can’t even drink cranberry juice.
ANYWAY, don’t want to depress you with my sad tale – cookies are A-okay and jam-packed with superdelicious. My favorite brain food would have to be peanut butter M&Ms. Half-pound bag of that will last me oh, two days. 🙂
October 29, 2010 @ 6:58 am
This really tempts me! BUT I shall resist joining google. RESIST. (However, I did add your blog to my google reader. Does that count?) Besides which, I did just make cupcakes. I don’t think I need more sugar. =P
My favorite brain food is…cookies. Depends on the mood. Made some really fantastic gingersnaps recently (drool!), and I’ll be making grasshopper bars at some point in the near future (finally found Creme de Menthe, yay!). Though I pretty much just go for whatever’s handy at the time, be it Peanut Butter M&Ms (mmm), Skittles (mmm), or plain old bread. Nothing that gets my fingers dirty, though.
PS I’m doing NaNo now and I blame it on you.
October 29, 2010 @ 7:48 am
Tymcon, high five to caffeine. For realz. I’m a coffee-addict — drinking it right now as I type.
Kris, guten Morgen! Mir geht es gut — und dir? Ich hoffe gut. Willst du diese Süßigkeiten?
Holly, I hope this video means you’ll be making some more… Puh-puh-please?
Katharine, I don’t know what a stroopwaffle is, but I will look it up. Stat. Sounds über intriguing.
PK, did the cake survive? All the way home!? That’s crazy — and awesome. It’s like how my Mom makes me send her croissants because (somehow) European croissants are just soooo much better even after crossing an ocean, being compressed in a suitcase and low pressure, and growing stale for a few days. Crazy mothers. 🙂
Caitlin, du hast Aldi in Australia? Ich hatte keine Ahnung… Ich habe gedacht Aldi ist nur in Europa.
Jaclyn, I survived my masters because 1) I had Seb, 2) I didn’t have nearly as much crap to do as you, and 3) I ate a lot of Tim Horton’s donuts. Mmmmm…
Jules — NO! You *are* a walking, chewing tragedy. I feel so horrible fr you… If you win, I’ll send something else to replace the gummies. Can you eat chocolate?
Kat, I don’t know what grasshopper bars are, but is it strange that my first thought when reading grasshopper was Bruce Lee and not the insect? (YAY FOR NANO.)
Jess Tudor
October 29, 2010 @ 10:57 am
Karamellgebäck are available here in the States, we serve them during our coffee time at church. (Also, they’re apparently the cookie of choice for at least one airline.)
Mozart Balls. I must find some!
October 29, 2010 @ 5:12 pm
i wanna try the Pfeffernüsse cookies… i saw them on Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman and thought they looked amazing 8D
October 30, 2010 @ 11:25 am
Those sour gummy bears look AMAZING. Mmmmm!
October 30, 2010 @ 1:52 pm
I love to snack on chips and cookies – my weakness!
October 30, 2010 @ 2:49 pm
This post is like an education on great snacks. I’ve never seen Mozartkugeln before. They look wonderful!
November 1, 2010 @ 9:22 am
I second the stroopwaffle comment (I’m currently living in the Netherlands!!) There are sooo many good Dutch treats, especially right now with Sinterklaas right around the corner (Dec 5)! Chocolate letters, pepernoten and speculaas are my favs!
November 1, 2010 @ 7:56 pm
I definitely want a chance to win this one!
Victoria Dixon
November 3, 2010 @ 12:30 am
Sweets are my brainfood. Not really, but I like to believe it’s true. Chocolate is the biggest draw, but it’s all good. By the time you read this, I will have tweeted you. ;D
November 3, 2010 @ 10:37 pm
Put me in the running for this. It sounds amazing.
Marsha Vegan Cotteleer
November 30, 2014 @ 6:47 pm
Hi, I live in upstate New York, but grew up eating the Saure Bären sour bears, as my father is from Belgium. Every time he would go home to visit, he would take an extra suitcase just to bring treats back for us. They definitely are the yummiest, unfortunately they are made with gelatin, and being a fellow animal lover, I no longer purchase them. If anyone here knows an alternative, I would love to send some to my father for Christmas. He now lives in Thailand and I am sure he would love a European treat! Thanks all!