World War Z: a book recommendation
5 out of 5 stars.
At a LTWF contributor’s suggestion (Savannah Foley’s), I picked up Max Brook’s World War Z. And then I didn’t put it down until I had finished it. It was that amazing; that terrifying; and that real.
Nightmares-for-days real. Planning-my-own-zombie-escape-route real. I-can’t-comprehend-such-creativity real.
The book is told as a series of narratives by various people who have survived World War Z — or the war against zombies. Ten years after the “Zacks” decimated the planet, they’re still walking around and feeding on the living. The stories go in chronological order, starting with when the war first began — the first instances of zombies. It then goes through the zombies’ spread, the ways people coped, the failures of various governments to contain the problem, and the ways people turned against each other or learned to deal. (For a more detailed plot, read the wiki entry.)
World War Z is less story of zombies and more a story of society. A story of ingenuity and culture. I couldn’t believe how creative these people were in the face of such a crisis, and then I remembered — It’s not real, you idiot! It’s all the mad, creative genius of one writer. You won’t be surprised to know that Max Brooks is Mel Brooks’s son (yeah, The Mel Brooks of Blazing Saddles and Spaceballs).
So if you can stomach heart-wrenching and terrifying stories, then buy this book. NOW. You will not be disappointed. (You could wait for the movie with Brad Pitt, but I imagine that will be years. Besides, I don’t see how a movie could possibly compare to the amazingness that is this book.)
You tell me: Have you read World War Z? Do you have any other amazing zombie books you’d recommend?
December 10, 2010 @ 1:43 pm
I want to read it. I do! But I’m scared. I barely made it through Carrie Ryan’s books. lol
December 10, 2010 @ 5:26 pm
I cannot lie, it’s terrifying… BUT REALLY GOOD. 😀 It stayed with me a lot like LIFE AS WE KNEW IT stayed with me…
December 10, 2010 @ 7:03 pm
What is it with you, Holly and Zombies? Is it some kind of seriously messed up love triangle? lol! (The Jessica does not like zombies…they make my skin crawl.)
December 10, 2010 @ 7:05 pm
Um, you realize THE SPIRIT-HUNTERS has zombies? You’re gonna have to swallow your discomfort when my book comes out, missy… I expect you to read it and review!
December 10, 2010 @ 9:08 pm
Oh she’ll read it. If I have to read it TO her, she’ll read it. 😉
December 11, 2010 @ 5:16 am
Uht oh… *insert foot in mouth* lol. I sowwy Sooz! I did not know that…but Holly said they weren’t “I WILL EAT BRAIN” zombies…so as long as one of you stand watch while I sleep after reading it, I will. lol! I am a big fat chicken. *wimper*
December 11, 2010 @ 7:07 pm
You’re officially the third person I know who has RAVED about this book. I think now I might have to check it out, even though I’m the world’s biggest wimp when it comes to anything remotely scary.
December 12, 2010 @ 2:49 am
It sounds fascinating! I believe I’ve heard it mentioned before, but I never bothered to hear more. Love the sound of a story about society with bonus zombies. Awesome. 😀
Have you read THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO (or the rest of the series) by Patrick Ness? I’m really excited to read it, and something tells me this book and the series might appeal to the same audience.
December 12, 2010 @ 10:25 am
Jessica: I forgive you. 😉
Meredith: I’m SUCH a wimp too. The reason I put zombies in THE SPIRIT-HUNTERS was because I thought they were by FAR the scariest paranormal critters out there… And if I’m scared, surely I can infuse that fear into my writing. Yeah, WORLD WAR Z is scary but the amazing-factor beats out the scariness.
Madeleine: I haven’t read THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO, but I’ll be sure to check it out! Thanks for the rec.
December 30, 2010 @ 3:17 pm
Again, soooo glad you enjoyed it! I can’t rave about this book enough!