Swoon-worthiest heroes and other Very Important Life Questions

I thought it’d be fun to hear your opinions on something that I hold very near to my heart:

Good-Looking Guys

Yeah, I know you were probably expecting something profound or life-altering, but I’m not a very profound person and my life is pretty static.

The above pictures are of some of my most favoritest hotties (left to right: Garcia Bernal, Gong Yoo, Mos Def, James McAvoy).

Wanna know my favorite fictional hero of all time?  Han Solo. Something about his cocky rogue attitude mixed with his softer, good side…  He’s genuinely an arrogant jerk, but he’s also kind nice on the inside.  ::SWOOOOOON::

Now I want to know what you like!! So, let’s get started… 😀

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Okay, that’s enough about hot guys…  Although, is there ever really enough when it comes to attractive people?  Oh, the hard questions of life, my friend.

You tell me: Do you have any poll ideas for next time?  Any answer options I offered that you think were truly wretched??  Are you completely annoyed with me for dwelling on boooooys?
