Vacation Time!
So, I’ll be away the next week… The blog will be abandoned like an Old West town… Or an ancient ruin.
::cue tumbleweed::
I’m going to EGYPT! With the Frenchman!
It was a totally last minute idea, but I can’t express to you how excited I am. I’ve always wanted to see Thebes (a.k.a. Luxor), and since book 3 of The Spirit-Hunters is set in Egypt, it only makes sense that I should go VISIT.
I mean…right?
This is a research trip.
Okay, and a lounge on the Red Sea beach trip. And I’ll probably indulge in some reading…and sleeping…and relaxing. But research will also be on my To Do List!
You tell me: Where have you always wanted to go? Any locations you need to visit for “research”? Have you been to Egypt?
December 27, 2010 @ 10:04 am
Holy CRAP I wanna go to Egypt! (I’d be jealous, but I am kinda having the time of my life here…no need to get greedy.) I look forward to seeing your photos and hearing about all your “research”! Squee!
December 27, 2010 @ 10:20 am
Oh, you lucky, lucky thing! I’ve always wanted to go! We will dance around the blog and rearrange… I mean, we will take excellent care of the blog while you are gone.
I’ve always wanted to travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway–one day, one day!
December 27, 2010 @ 10:44 am
Kat: Um, I bet you’re having fun. Are you FREEZING though?? I saw the Paris temps, and they looked brutal. Of course, it’s even colder here, but I’m used to it.
Amie: Trans-Siberian Railway — YES! Ever since I read MURDER ON THE ORIENTAL EXPRESS, I have wanted to ride that! Of course, I want to ride it for the view and experience part. Not for the murder, of course. 😉
December 27, 2010 @ 11:07 am
EGYPT. HOW LUCKY!!! I´ve been curious about going there but I can´t imagine the cost of a plane ticket…or how long it´d take to fly over there from New York. I´ve always been interested in going to Morrocco, Isreal or even Australia. 🙂
Anyways! Have fun in Egypt with the Frenchman! There´s plenty to research over there, I imagine 😀
December 27, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
Morocco, Israel, and Australia are DEFINITELY on my list!! The Frenchman’s sister just moved to Sydney, so I’m definitely planning on bothering her in the near future!
And yeah, I’m not sure I’d be seeing Egypt (at least not so last minute) if it weren’t so easily accessible from Europe! 😀
December 27, 2010 @ 1:19 pm
Europe is a wonderful place to live in. Right now I´m in Spain visiting my family for the holidays and America seems so boring in comparison!
Ohh, I´ve heard great things about Sydney! Definetely hop over there when you have the chance, hah! I´ve also heard that there´s really good YA books to be found in Australia 😀
December 27, 2010 @ 1:26 pm
Just don’t get on any tour buses. When I saw the one that was in some awful accident on the news I had a momentary heart attack — until I realized you hadn’t left Germany yet. lol
I’ve always wanted to go to France, Italy, Germany, and Greece. Maybe one day. 🙂
Have a wonderful, and safe, trip!
December 27, 2010 @ 1:32 pm
I want to go to Isreal. The hubbs has family there that I would love to meet.
So. Jealous. 1) I wish I lived in Germany, 2) I wish I was going to Egypt! Jealousy overload! *Falls on floor spasming*
Ok…that was a bit over dramatic…but you get the point! lol! Have fun!!
December 27, 2010 @ 2:18 pm
Egypt sounds fantastic at this time of year. I’m so happy for you. And of course you must go there to do research.
I need to go several places to research books I want to write, the first would be Sumatra, Svalbard, and Uganda.
December 27, 2010 @ 2:24 pm
Of course you have to go to Egypt! I don’t know what the tax situation is in Paris, but you could deduct the expenses in the U.S.! Wish I could have done that with my first research trip to China, but I knew I was too far away from making money with the writing, so it was more likely to start an audit process than anything else! Have a great time and take notepads. You’ll need them. ;D
December 27, 2010 @ 3:29 pm
Sandy: Spain! I MUST go there — it’s so near, there’s really no excuse not to!
Holly: Er, I am planning a tour bus sojourn… UH-OH. I had better look into this pronto! 🙂 Thanks for the heads up!
Jessica: Somebody call her an ambulance!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAH!!!!
Melissa: Wow, you’re list is very coooool. SVALBARD!?!? Great choice!
Victoria: China for research! Holy crow, that’s awesome. I’m dying to do an Asia tour (when Frenchman and I have more $$ and more time!), and I think I will try to declare my Parisian research trip as an expense… And maybe the next time I have to come to Egypt for more serious research (and less beach time). 😉
December 27, 2010 @ 4:00 pm
Go one day! There is so much to do in this country (and the food is AMAZING)!
December 27, 2010 @ 5:17 pm
Egypt is fantastic. We went in 2005 and it was amazing. The calls for backsheesh are frustrating, though you can meet plenty of nice people who you don’t feel are only trying to get a tip out of you.
Also, I am physically unable to haggle with people who live near the poverty line. it just makes me sick. So that makes shopping tough. But you can always rest assured in the knowledge that the price you pay (even if you can talk them down) is FAR above what it cost them. Everyone wins.
But what an amazing and beautiful place. We did Luxor, Cairo, and Dhahab. I wish my friends were still in Cairo, I’d set you up. Enjoy the sun and the sites and eat some awesome food for me!!
My dream travel list includes Australia, the big American national parks, France, Italy, and Spain. I know– I lived in the Netherlands and didn’t go right next door. Lame. We traveled a lot, but there is SO much close. Don’t tell the Frenchman. It’s not because I didn’t want to go. :0)
December 27, 2010 @ 6:23 pm
I hope you’ll have a fabulous time! It sounds so awesome.
Not for research, but I’d love to visit Japan. It has always been a dream of mine. :]
December 27, 2010 @ 7:18 pm
Katharine: Yeah, I’ve heard that “hassling” is a big problem… My friend recommended taking the more expensive tours because they have people to protect the tourists from the hassling!!
And I totally haven’t seen the big American parks either — how is it that we can miss so much in our own country? $$, I guess!!
Emy: Ooooh, Japan is on my list too… That big Asia tour I mentioned — Japan will be on it!!
December 27, 2010 @ 10:19 pm
Have an AMAZING time!! I’m super jealous. I’ve always wanted to see Egypt.
I really need to get back to London for research purposes, but I’ve already been there a few times, so let me just pick something completely random. I’m dying to go to Africa. I was all set to go a few years back on a medical outreach trip, but [insert really long story here]. Someday I’ll get there!
January 5, 2011 @ 8:36 pm
Someday you’ll get there, for SURE. And you definitely need to go to London…and then hop over to Germany for a visit?? 😉
December 28, 2010 @ 5:33 am
I’ve always wanted to go to Paris. Although always hasn’t been quite as long for me as it’s been for others. ;D
And psst… I finished the scene cards. 😀
January 5, 2011 @ 8:37 pm
YAAAAY!! I’m so glad you finished that Very Important Step! And definitely visit Paris when you get a chance. 🙂
December 29, 2010 @ 2:40 am
Australia, definitely, is my dream vacation location (and preferably on one of those month-long cruise!). Otherwise, the continents I haven’t visited yet: Africa, South America and, of course, Antarctica. 😉
January 5, 2011 @ 8:35 pm
Okay, I’m jealous. I haven’t been to Asia. Or Australia — those are the only two continents I have left.
YES, I’ve been to Antarctica!! Wild, eh? 😉
December 30, 2010 @ 3:14 pm
Research trips are totally tax deductible, too! 😛
January 5, 2011 @ 8:34 pm
I KNOW! I am totally remembering that for my next trip — which will hopefully happen after I get my first advance check! WOOHOO! 😀