This one’s for you

Sometimes, blogging gets tiring.

Sometimes, I can’t come up with anything to say, so I resort to being goofy.

Sometimes, I wonder why the heck I even write at all because–let’s be honest–there’s a special kind of stress that’s unique to writing.

And then I’ll get an email or a blog comment or a tweet, and I’ll remember I do all of this because of you.

Yeah, you read that right: the reason I keep striving is YOU, my fellow readers and writers and friends.

Why?  Because you guys are literally the sweetest, most wonderful people on the planet.

Everyday, I’ll get a new email that brings tears to my eyes–and not figurative tears, either. I mean real, kinda-sting-even-if-they’re-happy, honest-to-goodness tears.

The outpouring of appreciation, of support, of just plain old enthusiasm–I can’t express to you what it all means to me.

Heck, it’s why I had to invent this twitter hashtag:


because I had no way to express how your kind tweets affect me.

So thank you.

None of this–not the book, not the book deal, and definitely not the continued drive to write more–would have ever happened if it weren’t for you.

I love you guys.

And I really, truly mean that.