Blog Hiatus day 1
This is the farmer’s field beside my house. Yes, I can see this from my office, and yes it’s wonderful.
But no, the view isn’t always this great. In about a month, all the cows we be let out to graze in this lovely pasture.
Then it will look like trampled grass and cow patties. It will also smell like cow patties.
But until then, it’s beautiful.
April 18, 2011 @ 2:01 pm
BAHAHAHAHAHA cow patties.
(Yes, supposedly I am an adult.)
April 20, 2011 @ 9:38 pm
On the subject of patties, you know what i miss in Europe? Peppermint patties. Those things are freakin’ awesome. 😛
April 18, 2011 @ 2:33 pm
That’s so pretty! Love the quote. 🙂
April 20, 2011 @ 9:39 pm
Thanks, Meredith! BEL CANTO is one of my all-time favorite novels. 😀
April 18, 2011 @ 5:18 pm
‘course, it’s the cow patties that help it to be so beautiful. I’m sure someone can think of something profound to say from that, but I’m just in my first cup of tea, so it ain’t me.
April 20, 2011 @ 9:40 pm
True, Amity! It’s the cow patties and the weekly manure they spray on the fields (don’t even get me started on how foul THAT is). But for a few months, it’s just perfect.