No internet–ACK!
So, I have no internet.
::insert ENORMOUS SIGH::
My router isn’t working, and because we live in Germany, there is no way to get the broken router fixed on a Sunday (or anytime soon, it would seem).
And because we live in the middle of nowhere, the nearest internet café is 20 miles away.
The Frenchman and I drove to said internet café. It apparently no longer EXISTS.
Now, I find myself at the only place one can get wifi in Germany (if one does not live in The Big City; I do not live in The Big City)…McDonald’s. And it costs a whopping 8 euro per hour…
Seeing as it typically takes me a solid hour or more to write a blog post, I didn’t think I could feasibly write quality content before my overpriced internet connection ran out.
So instead, you all are cursed with my complaining and melodramatic stream-of-consciousness ramblings (because these do NOT take an hour to write). 😉
And you are cursed with the 3 upsetting things I have learned about myself since the internet died yesterday afternoon.
- I am 100% reliant on the internet to communicate with all of my friends. But more concerning is that all of my “business” happens online–contact with my agent, emailing edits to a CP/agent/editor, writing blog posts, answering blog comments, and so on. Without the internet, a HUGE portion of my job simply cannot happen…
- I waste SO MUCH TIME ONLINE. The productivity of my writing quadrupled when the internet died (well, once I stopped frantically trying to get the internet to work again). I not only beat my writing goal but I also READ AN ENTIRE BOOK. From start to finish. O_O
- Despite the revelations of #2, I cannot actually live without the internet (because of #1). So I have to come up with some way to cut back my internet…sounds easy, but I have the self-control of a gummi-bear-addict (and as a former gummi-bear-addict, I can tell you, there is NO self-control).
Well, my 1 hour of painfully expensive internet is almost up, so I’d best sign off. I’ll write again as soon as my internet is returned!
December 4, 2011 @ 7:25 pm
ACK indeed! I hope it’s up and running again soon!
Amity Thompson
December 4, 2011 @ 7:36 pm
I feel for you. Life without Internet is a strange mixture of bliss and utter agony.
When you come back to internet land, something you may try is AntiBrowser by Spacejock Software (developed by the same guy who came up with yWriter!). It’s a free, and all it does is every time you want to open your browser, a window pops up. You then copy a 12-digit code in order to launch the browser.
For some, the pop-up box gives their brain enough pause to ask “is this the best time to do x on the internet? Or should I keep writing?” — esp for those who tend to hit the web the moment they think of a research question for their WIP. For others, the thought of typing a 12-digit code is enough of a deterrent, even though the code is RIGHT THERE to copy.
I’ve never used it, but I’ve known some who rave about it. To be honest, I don’t want to admit I have a problem, so I haven’t download it 😀
Amity Thompson
December 6, 2011 @ 6:53 pm
And I just stumbled onto, recommended by a writer, as a tool that will block your internet access for a designated time, up to eight hours a day. In case you can rationalize typing a code to get to your browser 😉
I can’t use it 🙁 I have linux. Silly linux.
Heather Rosdol
December 4, 2011 @ 8:50 pm
I hate being without the internet. I feel like I’m missing everything! But you’ll catch up and you’ve let everyone know so people know why you aren’t answering them. Keep writing and take advantage of the time! Good luck getting connected again!
December 4, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
Yeah. The internet. I read articles about people who cut it out of their life cold turkey-style and I get all fired up–no internet on Sundays, only check email twice a day, etc. But, as you said, when your job takes place almost entirely online, discipline is downright impossible to maintain. I’m not on twitter, and that helps, I guess. I remember a trip to the French alps last year…there was no internet, and I felt my life open up. I suddenly had more than enough hours in the day, and time to just sit and look at the sky. How does a person keep the balance?
Yahong Chi
December 4, 2011 @ 11:20 pm
My goodness, that’s horrid! And even worse than what I experienced, because I do live in a (relatively) large city so I got free wifi at the library. Hopefully you’ll be able to get your job going soon!
December 5, 2011 @ 2:53 am
That reminds me of how my town was one of the last in the area to get DSL. Hope you can sort it out soon. It’s a weird feeling when you don’t have internet connection, like you’re suddenly cut off from the world.
Susy F
December 5, 2011 @ 3:46 am
Dude, that sucks. I can only imagine what the world would be like if the internet ceased to exist…. *imagines chaos* But I’m glad I randomly found your site. (Following now :P) Hope your internet works soon!
Jessica Silva
December 5, 2011 @ 4:46 am
a) congrats on the productivity! maybe you should disconnect yourself whenever you need to get a lot of writing done?
b) ugh self control IS SO HARD. good luck 😐
c) and good luck fixing the router 🙁
December 5, 2011 @ 11:13 am
Wha– why does McDonald’s charge for wifi use? OAO I thought you just had to order something (and sometimes, not even). Is that common in Germany?
Kat Owens
December 5, 2011 @ 2:46 pm
Oh no- When I have been without lately, it was terrifying. And this consequently reminds me of life in Europe. Of course you can’t get things repaired on the weekend, you silly American. Be glad it didn’t happen in July, when the repairman could be on vacation in Spain for six weeks. But when he does arrive, he will be wearing a very classy, clean, and professional jumpsuit, and he will fix it to your utmost satisfaction. (at least that’s how they roll in the NL)
Arianna Sterling
December 5, 2011 @ 5:14 pm
I hate it when my Internet leaves me. And our Internet service is crappy, so it leaves me a lot. I feel your pain.
December 5, 2011 @ 5:38 pm
oh no! i really hate when internet isn’t available to me at home or for work related travels; but there are times, such as when i’m on vacation, that’s strangely liberating to not have (regular) access. hopefully your productivity kick continues until you’re able to get back in touch with the world!
December 6, 2011 @ 7:58 am
You’re adorable! The internet is most definitely a love/hate relationship. You need it for business and important interactings, but at the same time it is SO easy to get sucked into the whirlpool of DOOM that is the world wide web. Hope you get internet soon, but in the meantime, write lots, read books (and write recommendations!), and be as productive as you can!!
Kat Zhang
December 6, 2011 @ 9:42 am
Ack!! Hope you get that internet fixed soon. We miss you <3 <3 Glad your writing productivity has gone up, though 😉