NaNoWriMo 2012, Week 1 Update
So how’s NaNoWriMo going, people?
I have been pleasantly surprised by my own success. A lot of what I’m writing will need MAJOR reworking…but that’s just part of first drafts.
I attribute my higher-than-planned word count to the #NaNoWriMoBattles that Sarah J. Maas and I have been hosting every day on twitter. I mean, oh snap, guys. I have been averaging 2,500-3,500 words after three rounds or those 30 minutes sprints. This is insanely good for me–I am not a fast writer. It’s cool because our battles appear to have gone sorta viral and spread out to other people intent on battling words for 30 minutes.
I also think part of my productivity has been the rocking music I’ve got going. I must’ve listened to these tracks more times than every other person on the planet COMBINED. But hey–they got my Muse to cooperate, and they fit so well with the high intensity of some of the scenes I pounded out earlier this week.
Actually, do you want to read a snippet from those high intensity scenes? It might be kind of fun if we all share some of what we’ve written.
Of course, y’all have no idea who Oliver is since you won’t meet him until A Darkness Strange and Lovely…but I don’t think any of this clip is too spoiler-y. Just imagine the wind-ripped streets of Marseille…now crawling with the Dead.
Disclaimer: This is 100%, unrefined first draft. Please do not judge!
An explosion thundered through the city, carried on the wind. We whipped our heads toward the sound—smoke billowed up from only a few streets away.
The Spirit-Hunters.
Instantly, my feet kicked into a run. I yanked Oliver’s elbow, and together we sprinted back toward the stairs. “We get to the Spirit-Hunters!” I shouted as we ran. “Together, we can make a path through the corpses.”
“With what magic? And what tools? We’re all spent!”
My hammering footsteps faltered, but only for a moment. I had been planning to kill Marcus—I had been certain that, one on one, I could do that. I would use that power—that resolve—to get Jie back instead.
I had the rage and the skills inside me. So did the Spirit-Hunters. We could do this.
A groan burst from Oliver’s mouth—frustrated but still not arguing. I felt, through our bond, that he hated this decision. That he hated how he always got dragged into a mess he wanted nothing to do with. That Jie’s life was of no consequence compared to his own…
But I also felt that he loved me. That he would follow me to the ends of the earth no matter how many times I hurt him. No matter how often I betrayed his trust. He loved me like he loved Elijah, and he would always, always catch me when I fell.
What about you? Do you have an snippets to share? If so, please link to it in the comments!!
Oh, and you haven’t already, ENTER OUR GIVEAWAY. And then check out our inspirational NaNoWriMo Pinterest board. And then, head to our Ask a Published YA Author forum for all your craft/industry question needs. 😀
Angelica Barone
November 9, 2012 @ 7:40 pm
I’m doing alright so far. 14009 words as of last night. Hopefully I’ll be able to knock off another 1700 words today. The next couple days are going to be telling for me ’cause this is where I tend to lose steam. I don’t WANT to stop writing this story, I just need to plough ahead through this tricky bit. As for what I’ve written so far? Well here is a small snippet…
“Nellie let out a frustrated groan and kicked the wall with her foot. Now that her life was no longer in danger, the thought of sustenance was all encompassing. She knew that she would have to get food and quick. She scanned the schematic again. She saw that the bay in which she came in made up nearly the entirety of level seven, though there was some cargo space there as well. Engineering had been on level six along with more storage space and what Nellie figured was the eatery. She was on level four. It has halfway between the ships and aside from engineering it was where a lot of systems interacted. She saw that the ship’s sickbay and observation labs were also on level four. Level five looked to be like the crew quarters and their own private eatery while level three was a large eatery and several spaces that looked to be used for recreation purposes. As Nellie could see she had two choices. She could go up a level to the mess hall, or she could go down a level to the eatery. Curiosity got the better of her and she set off for the lift, which would take her up a level.”
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:10 pm
WHOA. You had me at “scanned the schematic”. Like, I was hooked by the first line (why is she frustrated? She must be awesome if she’ll kick a wall–that’s what I like to do too), but the whole realization this was a sci-fi type tale had me fully hooked. Very cool.
And hey–maybe my post on Monday will help with the middle muddle. I always get a bit clogged after Act 1 too…
November 9, 2012 @ 7:41 pm
GAH! Can I just say that I cannot WAIT for A Darkness Strange and Lovely? I want more Daniel. And I want to know who this Oliver character is! Are there possibly pictures of him on your pinterest board? *stalks* ;P It is so cruel that you already have galley’s and we have to wait sooooo long. *sigh* Darn rules! Hopefully I’ll get to sprint with you and Sarah again!
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:11 pm
Awww. <3 <3 And YES, there are some hints at Oliver on the Pinterest board. Oliver is actually my favorite character in the entire series, if that says anything. 😉
Meredith McCardle
November 9, 2012 @ 8:33 pm
What happens to Jie?!? No fair!
I’ve been doing alright on NaNo. I’m probably not going to hit 50,000 because this month is so freaking crazy, and there’s no way I’ll finish a first draft, but my first drafts tend to be total crap anyway—me meandering about until I figure out what my story is about—so it’s ok. NaNo was got me writing back in Iris’s world again, and that’s the important part. Shared a (likely to-be-cut eventually) snippet on my blog this morning.
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:12 pm
!!!! I shall not tell what happens to Jie. Though it actually happens in book 2, so you don’t have to wait THAT long to find out.
And that’s awesome about getting back into the world. Better sooner than later. I put off my own book 2 for WAY TOO long. It was 2 years after wrting book 1, and I just could not find the voice. It was a nightmare….
November 10, 2012 @ 3:04 am
I’m loving the music suggestions. I’ve found that the times when my battle scores are a little sluggish tend to be the times I’m not 100% on board with my music choice. Weird but true!
Colour me intrigued. I might not know who Oliver is, but I want to!
Eek, I’m a little terrified to share anything. Your first draft is so much neater than my first draft! But here it is:
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:15 pm
I’m so glad you shared!! The first time I ever posted a first draft online, I was so nervous I thought I might puke… But people KNOW first drafts are rough, and it’s so liberating to get over your fear and just let people see.
Also, I totally know what you mean about battle scores and perfect music.
November 11, 2012 @ 11:12 pm
Aw, thanks Susan. You’re too lovely for your own good! Looking forward to bumping up that word count on Tuesday sprintssss.
Lori T.
November 10, 2012 @ 5:32 am
Eh, some days, it goes pretty well, other days, I don’t get a word written (those are usually the days I’m too tired after work to type anything up.) I mostly kick out better word counts on the weekends, so let’s hoping this will be a productive weekend!
Thanks for the little teaser. I cannot wait for A Darkness Strange and Lovely. It’s going to be epic!
Time to go back to staring at Mr. Gosling some more. I need some inspiration…or distraction…however you want to see it 😉
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:16 pm
Yes, I have been having WAY too much fun finding hot “Hey Girls” or making my own. 😛 So distracting, but so…niiiiice. 😉
November 10, 2012 @ 4:01 pm
It’s great you’re doing so well! NaNo is kicking my butt. I thought it’d be doable when I joined then uni happened then a crap ton of readings and suddenly homework and late nights in school… I’ve yet to reach 10k /hides in a corner This is my excerpt (not really an excerpt as the beginning, haha! Sorry for the length/massiveness!)
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:21 pm
Wow! That was AWESOME. Such in-depth worldbuilding. I could imagine it all so clearly, and I got a really good sense of the dynamic between the prince and his grandfather. I also laughed when his grandfather admitted he couldn’t fish at all–haha, sounds like something my husband would do. “Seems easy enough watchin’ soliders”–totally like my husband. 😉
Thanks for sharing!!
November 10, 2012 @ 6:52 pm
I fell off the bandwagon, so it is currently kicking my butt just like Rae. Except I just have work and a second project I’m working on. We’ll see how it goes, though. I’ll be trying my best to finish!
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:21 pm
Always best to try a little! That alone is more than you probably had before November, so yay! 😀 I’ll keep my fingers crossed you can catch up–or at least get a bit more done this month!
November 11, 2012 @ 11:30 pm
That’s all I can hope for! Thank you!
November 11, 2012 @ 12:01 am
Awesome job! Keep going! I wasn’t able to participate in the battles the last two days. But they have really helped! I hope to on Monday! Hmmm…I have to post snippets of what I’m writing on my blog.
Susan Dennard
November 11, 2012 @ 10:22 pm
We probably won’t battle Monday since both our husbands have the day off, BUT we’ll be back full-force on Tuesday. The battles have REALLY helped me too….though I also feel like most of what I’m writing is a total MESS. But hey–that’s what revisions are for. 😉
Alexa (Alexa Loves Books)
November 28, 2012 @ 5:21 am
I love the writing battles that you guys host! I think it’s a brilliant way to get my creative juices flowing, and I’m SO GRATEFUL you guys decided to do it. Love it and of course, love you both!