Happy End of the World (and Happy Holidays, if we live that long)

Today might very well be the last day for this blog. The last day for ME.


I reallyΒ hope not. I have a bazillion stories that still want to be written–not to mention a bazillion stories that I still want to LIVE.

So, let us assume today is NOT the end of the world…and instead just watch this old-school-yet-still-hilarious video.

And NOW that you’ve watched it (and had a good laugh), let’s discuss the HOLIDAYS.

I am off to visit* my family. It’s actually kind of pathetic…Why, you ask? Because I’ll be seeing my family all of 4 days, and then I’m off to see my soul twinΒ Sarah J. MaasΒ for a full WEEK. What does this say about my priorities? I dunno–I love my family, but I guess I’m just a crappy daughter/sister in the end.

But, in my defense, Sarah and I will be WORKING. We’re planning on doing nothing but write for those 7 days (and maybe seeing The HobbitΒ seven more times). It’ll be no one but us and our keyboards. No internet, no dogs, no family, no distractions. πŸ˜‰ It should prove to be amazing. We both have third books in our series due, so we decided a week in isolation might just be the trick to get ‘er done.

So, as I’m sure you can guess, I’ll be away from the blog until January. Actually, the same day Pub(lishing) Crawl returns–January 7th–I too will be back. And hopefully with most of SS&D’s book 3 hammered out!

Oh, and just for fun, I thought I’d share with you my Christmas Wish List. It’s probably the most domestic list I have EVER requested from “Santa”. I guess this means I’m becoming a Real Boring Adult…? WAAH!

  1. New upholstery for love seat that was my grandma’s (‘cos the current upholstery is from the 60s & looks it)
  2. New warm socks (‘cos mine have holes)
  3. Sewing lessons from my mom (‘cos I want to start making my own clothes)
  4. A mini food processor (‘cos chopping garlic/onions/etc. by hand gets old)

I think–just for the fun of it–I should add something less Old-Ladyish to the list. How about 5. This Bay Window ORIGINAL Polly Pocket house. I’m pretty sure it’s the only Polly PocketΒ my sister and I never could find. It’s also AWESOME.

Now, I’m off to endure today’s apocalypse.

Oh wait–let’s throw in one more thing for fun: a giveaway!Β Who wants to win a signed copy of Something Strange and Deadly?Β And maybe some signed swag too??

Just fill out the Rafflecopter form, and I’ll pick a winner on New Years Day!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


You tell me:Β Got any big apocalypse plans? What about holiday plans? Oooh, and what do YOU want from Santa this year?

*My husband is off visiting his family too. He wanted to leave TODAY, and I told him this was absolutely forbidden. 1) I did not want to die alone IF the apocalypse did come, and 2) I didn’t want him to die on a plane IF the apocalypse came. So. Now he’s leaving tomorrow. Much safer, don’t you think?