Calling all Cadets! The NaNoWriMo Bootcamp is now LIVE!
With some elbow grease and a few online tutorials, I managed to make a forum for the NaNoWriMo Bootcamp. Hooray! Better yet, the forum is now LIVE, and you can get to it by clicking here or by hovering your mouse over the Extras tab on my main menu (assuming you’re on my website right now and not reading this in an email or RSS feed).
First off: I want to thank the beautiful Sorcha M., who DESIGNED and CRAFTED our official NaNoWriMo Bootcamp BADGE.
It looks awesome, doesn’t it? And there is also a special badge for the CADETS in the forum. Check it out; all the logos are baller.
Second off: Below, I have listed the current broad topics/forums that have been established so far. Feel free to email me if you have suggestions for other topics/forums. Of course, there are more specific breakdowns within some of the forums listed below, so please check that a topic doesn’t already exist before you email me.
- Goals and Introductions
Tell us about yourself, your book, and your NaNoWriMo 2013 goals!
- Badges and Graphics
Get the official NaNoWriMo Bootcamp 2013 badges here and/or share your own creations.
- Daily Word Count Updates
- Writing Sprint Race Track
Coordinate writing sprints, #BAMFWordBattles, gchat write-a-thons, etc.
- Outlining and Craft Resources
From outlines to plot twists, get help planning your novel and executing it!
- Inspiration and Advice
When the motivation flags or that spark you thought you had dies, head here for some inspiration in various forms.
- Critique Partner & Writing Buddy Meet-up
Meet other writers for sprinting, critiquing, or just good ol’ support.
- After NaNoWriMo
When you reach the end of NaNo or the end of your novel…then what do you do? Head here for some help.
- Other/Off Topic Stuff
For anything not related to writing or NaNoWriMo, stop by this forum.
- Forum Help
Issues with the forum? Sooz will do all she can to help with her feeble skills.
Thirdly (and probably the most important information): how do you participate? Well, it’s easy. First, you’ll have to register for the forum. On the right side of the forums (in the narrow sidebar), you’ll see something that says “Log In / Register” (it looks like the graphic to the right here). Simply click on the link that says “Register.” Or you can click here to get to the same registration page.
(Sorry about the math captcha, but I want to keep the spambots out of our bootcamp!)
Now before you register, be sure to take a look at these Forum Guidelines–just to make sure you’re okay with them before you sign on. I have a ton of wonderful moderators who can and WILL delete any threads that go against the current guidelines.
Forum Guidelines
• Be respectful and professional. Any offensive posts, links, images, etc. will be deleted.
• No flaming, trolling, and overall spamming (this includes but is not limited to cross-posting and too much self promotion).
• Please stay on topic in the designated threads.
Finally, just as an FYI, I’ll be sharing ~2 posts per week between now until the end of NaNoWriMo 2013. The posts will cover topics such as outlining, finding a writing routine, my favorite writing books, and more. So stay tuned!
Now go! Register! Start chatting in the forums!
And thank you SO MUCH to all 100+ of you who showed an interested in this. I AM SO EXCITED, GUYS. NaNoWriMo 2013 won’t know what hit it.
October 7, 2013 @ 1:09 pm
EEEEPPP! So excited! Will be signing up ASAP! Thank you SO MUCH for doing this, Sooz! You amaze me with all you give to the writing community. You’re absolutely incredible–and such an inspiration! <3
October 7, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
Yaaay!! So glad you’ll be joining! And you are SO welcome! I love-love-LOVE talking about writing, so it’s for purely selfish reasons that I help others. 😉
November 6, 2013 @ 10:53 am
Things like this are the reason why I ADORE you Susan. I love that you created this NaNoWriMo boot camp! It’s definitely going to be a helpful resource and source of encouragement too. I joined a little belatedly (aka today), but I’m excited to be part of it now!