NaNoWriMo 2013, Week 3!
I imagine you’re all feeling worn out at this point. Maybe you’ve hit a slump or your really starting to hate the glare on your computer screen. Or–what I hope is happening–you feel fresh as spring rain and ready to keep TYPING.
But if you’re like me, you’ll be feeling pretty tuckered out after 2 weeks of hard work. But soon, my friends. Soon, you’ll reach the end, and you’ll be able to look back at ALL YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED and say, “Hell. Yeah. I did all that.”
You’re making mistakes; I’m making mistakes; and we’re all out there doing something.
Now get back to that keyboard and write. ♥
You tell me: How are you hanging in there? Any awesome accomplishments or especially treacherous drops you’d like to share?
November 18, 2013 @ 8:51 pm
I was starting to feel so worn out recently. I was absolutely hating my story. Yesterday however, I put a stronger emphasis on a certain character as a brotherly figure and I have to admit, I’ve fallen a little in love with him and that’s making me want to keep writing. I’ve also found that really getting into research over certain things to retain the realism is super entertaining(although I probably do research a lot of things just to avoid writing). All in all I’m incredibly proud of myself for writing so much and not giving up. I definitely feel like my story is the biggest piece of awfulness to ever exist though. The constant self-doubt is awful
November 20, 2013 @ 4:28 am
Gosh, I feel like I just want to type in that everyone died, but I realize that I owe it to myself and my characters to continue. Plus at the end of the month, I can go up to people and tell them that I wrote 50,000 words, only to have them look at me like I’m crazy. That’s okay, though. It all will be worth it in the end. 🙂
November 20, 2013 @ 5:11 am
For me, week 2 was actually much worse – I completely skipped a couple days and felt ridiculously guilty about it. For week 3, though, your BICHOK method is my new best friend. (Though I do keep having to remind myself that it’s impossible to edit words that aren’t written, so as long as I get something down, no matter how crappy, I can always come back to it later!)