Researching Your Novel
Recently, I received a question in the Daydreamers forum about research–where I do it, how I do it. I actually did a series on this forever ago (like, 4 years!! Can you believe I’ve been blogging so long?!), so now seems like a good time to re-address this subject.
Now, I’ve met writers who think that since they’re writing fiction, they can get away with making up whatever they want and don’t have to research. Erm…no.
Yes, your readers will suspend disbelief, but only so far.
Like, you can get away with fudging a few details-–TV shows get away with it all the time (e.g. the female cop who prances around in 3-inch heels)–but you’ll tick off some of some readers doing it (the 3-inch heels irk me EVERY DANG TIME). What happens when you tick off readers? That’s right: you lose them for good.
Ultimately, when the suspension of disbelief goes against our common sense or when that suspension doesn’t fit with what we know about the universe, then it’s a problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or contemporary, if anything feels implausible, the reader will dismiss the book and dismiss you as an author too.
So do your research, build your setting well (which will be a topic for another day), and keep your readers happy.
But where do I even start my research? you ask. Well, I’ll help you with that.
Quick Note on Primary vs. Secondary Sources
No matter the subject/genre you’re researching, you’ll need to know the difference between primary and secondary sources. You probably learned those terms back in high school, but here’s refresher: a primary source was written at the time of the event (e.g. a newspaper article written in 1876 Philly about the Centennial Exhibition), a secondary source is something written after-the-fact about the event (e.g. a Wikipedia article about the Centennial Exhibition).
I imagine most of you will be relying on secondary sources, but if you’re writing historical or contemporary fiction, then you might find yourself perusing more primary sources. I used a ton of primary documents when I was researching for Something Strange & Deadly, but my research for Truthwitch has been almost exclusively from secondary sources.
But no matter what you’re trying to research, it’s highly probable someone has studied your topic and studied it in depth. You just have to find where that person compiled his/her research.
Start Online
Seriously, always start with the internet. There is a WEALTH of information online these days, and you can get a good feel for how many sources exist on your topic with a simple google search. The fewer the helpful sources that immediately pop up, the more likely you’re going to have to take your research to the next level (see below).
Alongside google, search your topic on Wikipedia (that’s where I always start). Click through links and take notes (I start a specific “research” page in my Scrivener file, in which I paste links or important chunks of text). One especially helpful thing on Wikipedia is the “references” section at the end of each article–it’ll point you in the direction of other helpful sources.
So for example, I was researching tarot last week for Truthwitch, and I found a few books on the subject in the references section.
For historical resources (especially primary documents), be ABSOLUTELY SURE to check out If you search within “texts”, you will find an insane plethora of resources (many of them from the era in which you’re studying). For the Something Strange & Deadly, I found guidebooks to Philadelphia, Paris, or Cairo written in 1876. I read diaries or scrutinized maps, and all of those sources came from It’s an invaluable tool.
But let’s say you’ve exhausted the internet or perhaps you’re just finding that no one has put their research online (this definitely happens–especially with older topics). That means it’s time to…
Look for Books on the Subject
I always start on Amazon to discover what books are out there and what other readers think of certain sources. Textbooks, nonfiction, memoirs, biographies–all of these can be incredibly helpful for your research. If you’re researching historical, the Writer’s Guide to Everyday life series from Writer’s Digest are incredibly helpful. The key is to start specific with what you want (e.g. “everyday life in 1876”) and then get more general based on the results you find (e.g. “everyday life in 1870s”, “everyday life in Victorian America”).
Another tool I’m a huge fan of (specifically with regards to historical research) is to read fiction written in my story’s time period. So for Something Strange & Deadly, I read Henry James, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, and Louisa May Alcott. Those books gave me a good feel for the 1870s–how people viewed themselves, what they took for granted, what the common prejudices and paradigms were, etc. Those books also helped bring all my other research to life (like: Oh! So that’s how they use the expression “by the shadow of death!”).
Okay, so you’ve got your list of books from Amazon. If you’re like me and don’t want to spend more money than you have to, head to your local library and borrow what you can. Or, if you don’t want to prepare a list beforehand, you can with the librarians. I promise: helping you find sources is what they’re trained to do, and if there are any resources not available at your local branch, the librarians can set you up with some interlibrary loaning.
Do you live near a university? Even better! They tend to have super well-stocked libraries for the more scholarly subjects. Or, best of all (and if you’re not to shy)…
Ask an Expert
I know, it sounds scary (aah! Communication!), but you’re best bet is always to ASK someone who knows. Trust me: it’s better to be uncomfortable (I hate asking people for help; it’s way outside of my comfort zone) than to have a mistake in your story.
So back to that nearby university, reach out to a faculty member who’s an expert on your subject. Or, if you’re not near a university, contact the experts online. Most people are willing to share their knowledge (heck, I LOVE to talk about marine biology or data analysis or karate or anything that makes me feel useful and needed ;)). If you want to know about police procedures, then ask a cop for help. If you want to know how to fight an attacker, ask a self-defense teacher (or ask me–Sarah J. Mass does it all the time). Or if you’re wanting to know what the opposite sex really thinks in certain situations, then ask some guys/girls (I’ve asked my husband some VERY awkward questions for the sake of a story). Just be sure to thank the people you talk to in your book’s acknowledgements!
Actually, last week, I emailed a reader of this blog (hey, Lori! You’ll totally be in the Truthwitch acknowledgements!!) because I needed help with some horse stuff. I knew Lori had horses, and sure enough, she was able to help me figure out a few key sentences in one of my scenes.
Another option, if the timing is right, is to take a workshop taught by an expert. This can give you great all-around exposure to a certain subject. Like, since so much of Truthwitch and its sequel Windwitch happen on ships in an alternate Adriatic Sea, I knew I needed to beef up my knowledge on all things seafaring. So I signed up for a fabulous online workshop through the RWA’s Hearts through History branch.
And hey! Look at that: they have an upcoming workshop on How to Make the Most of Online Research. That’s what I call great timing! There are a ton of other branches in the RWA too, so be sure to check them all out and see what classes they offer. Or, Savvy Authors often offers a similar array of online workshops.
Bringing It All Together
So, if I remember correctly, the lovely lady who asked me about research mentioned needing to know more about archaeology. I though I would quickly show y’all how I’d research that. I’m going to pretend I have an archaeologist character in present day and that I need to flesh out her day-to-day life/concerns/experiences.
First, I’d google “life as an archaeologist.” That search leads me to this list of awesome resources on From here, if I don’t get all the details I wanted, I’d keep perusing my google search (oooh, this is a cool and helpful breakdown of an archaeologist’s day). From there, I’d do a similar search on Amazon–“archaeologist memoir“. This yields a ton of intriguing books, and I can easily check if any are available in my local library (thank you, internet card catalogue!). If, after checking out and/or buying books on the subject, I still have questions, my next step would be to ask an actual archaeologist my questions. I happen to know one (friend of a friend sort of thing), so I’d get her contact information and email. Easy as that. 🙂
Now you tell me: how do YOU research subjects for your fiction (or nonfiction)?
April 14, 2014 @ 3:03 pm
Hiya Sooz!
Fabulous post! If this were like FB, I’d “Like” it a million times!
I think it’s so crucial for any writer to know how/where to find information. I talk about this on a daily basis in the library, pointing students where/how to find what they’re needing. Whether it be online, in books, or people in the area they’re researching, knowing where to find key information is so important for one’s writings. I’ve always been so open to asking others for help or info, people who are way more knowledgable on the source (like you with writing and the bajillion questions I’ve asked over the years
😉 ) In college, my creative writing courses often had me writing about topics that I knew little about, so I often sought out other professors with questions those topics. This not only made the writing a little easier for me, but these people often knew the best routes for more research. Researching just never ends for a writer; you just learn to get better at it.
So, you KNOW how beyond excited I am for the epic TRUTHWITCH (seriously, it can’t come out soon enough!) And to know you’ll give me a shoutout in the acknowledgements is just super sweet 😉 I’m always more than glad to help you out, especially since I never would’ve completed a novel, let alone about to finish my second one, without your help. You rule, Sooz! <3
April 15, 2014 @ 2:45 pm
Aw, Lori! I’m so flattered and pleased and super emo from your comment. I’m so GLAD all my blogging and blabbing has helped you finish TWO BOOKS. That makes my whole week. Like, WOW. <333
And good for you for reaching out to people for help. I'm always so shy and scared, but then every time I do it, people (such as yourself) turn out to be SOOOO willing to help–and I'm left wondering why I was ever shy in the first place. 😛
April 14, 2014 @ 4:38 pm
I loved this post! Research is a huge problem for me–I tend to go over board and become absolutely exhausted with the idea. Also, since I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo, I didn’t have time to research. That actually turned out quite nicely, because while working on my first draft, I’m getting a feel for what’s important to the story and what I actually need to research for later drafts. Do you ever have any experiences like this? Anyway, very helpful article which I will definitely be going back to during rewrites.
April 15, 2014 @ 2:47 pm
Ah yes, I can definitely go overboard with research. It’s a GREAT procrastination technique. 😉 I tend to research for a few weeks before I start writing so I can get a feel for the time period/setting/world and get the idea-ball rolling. But I have to put a cap on the research period because I’ll never stop otherwise. 😉 Then, as I draft, I might pause to research when I come up against a wall or else I’ll make note of something to research later (so I don’t slow my drafting momentum).
April 14, 2014 @ 8:45 pm
Sooz – THANK YOU for taking so much care with my question! This was so, so helpful. True story, I couldn’t have told you the difference between primary and secondary sources before. I feel all empowered by knowledge now!
(Also, tarot and witches and sailing, oh my. Not sure how I’m supposed to wait until 2015 for Truthwitch.)
April 15, 2014 @ 2:47 pm
Ha! Then FISTBUMP! I’m so glad this post helped!! 😀 😀
April 14, 2014 @ 9:48 pm
This is THE ABSOLUTE BEST. I struggle with research a lot (which is weird, considering how much research I’ve had to do in college + grad school, etc), because I never know quite how to start. Half of the things you mentioned would never have occurred to me! Didn’t even know existed, which was clearly a huge loss on my part, so thank yooooou so much!!
I feel like I’ve been a little spoiled on my research needs, because I used to mostly write short stories inspired by stuff I was already exposed to. Like, last semester I was taking an advanced Forensics/Archeology class, so I wrote a ghost story that featured bones heavily. Or I’ve taken several psych classes, so I wrote an MC with DID. It was always like the research was already being given to me. But now with the story I’m editing and the one I’m drafting, I really need to do some different kind of outside research and it’s A STRUGGLE lol Issues, issues everywhere.
So, yes, thank you SO much for taking time to talk about this. You’re 100% the most helpful author ever, and the fact that you take time from your incredibly busy life to share your knowledge with us is astounding. I know we all hugely appreciate it <3
Can't wait for SaEA! (And TRUTHWITCH omg I am literally so excited. I love witches ;))
April 15, 2014 @ 2:49 pm
Ah, is INCREDIBLE. It saved my life when I was drafting SS&D since I lived in the middle of rural Germany and had no access to Philadelphia or even English libraries. 🙂
And awww, dude. That’s so nice of you to say!! I hugely appreciate that you read the blog (and have for so long!!). It’s readers/writers like you that keep me energized to keep on keepin’ on!
April 15, 2014 @ 5:39 am
I actually have the opposite problem. I’m a research junkie. I love looking stuff up, taking a ton of notes and brainstorming… only to forget I’m actually supposed to be writing something… And then I make a million magical cookies… and of course those need further research haha. I think one of my issues is finding conflict. And research can be total procrastination for me sometimes. >_<
But this was so helpful, especially about finding someone who specializes in whatever you're researching. (Totally out of my comfort zone!)
April 15, 2014 @ 2:50 pm
It’s totally out of my comfort zone too, but I always find that when I finally *take* that step and just ASK, people are so willing to help. Then I wonder why I was ever so nervous in the first place…And THEN, I get all nervous again the next time I have to do it. Ha!
And yes–research is a total procrastination technique for me too. I tend to have to put a cap on it (like, only 3 weeks of research and then I start drafting!). Otherwise, I’ll never start the actual book…:P
April 15, 2014 @ 4:51 pm
Ah, the nervousness never goes away >_<
And I'm not alone! 😀 I'm still working on finding a balance. That 3 weeks rule sounds wonderful! Just enough time to fully dedicate to research and not too little where I'd feel I'd skimped. I think I'll try that! Maybe I'll stretch it to 4 haha…Thank you so much for replying to our comments! This was a great way/motivator to start my day 🙂
April 15, 2014 @ 6:56 pm
Oh my gosh, of course I’ll answer!! <3 And yeah, I'm probably only still nervous because I'm SUCH a shy person…and I never get practice interacting with actual humans since I'm always sequestered in my office working. 😉
April 16, 2014 @ 7:16 pm
Archives are a great way to do historical research. I was able to interview the director of Barnard College’s archives for a final project in a class last semester, and she invited me to come visit the archives in person when I have the time to go down to the big city. I was planning to go there for some research for parts of my WIP, but now I have a personal in. I’ve also looked at things like old issues of newspapers and magazines. Looking at vintage issues of Seventeen made me aware of an inadvertent error, where I’d had a character in 1972 saying she was glad the magazine didn’t advertise stuff like engagement rings and china like they did in her oldest sister’s day. Little did I know the magazine was still running wedding guides and ads for wedding dresses, engagement rings, tableware, etc., as recently as 1982!
Taking a trip to one of your settings is great for firsthand research, if you have the time and money. I’m excitedly planning a trip to Iran within the next few years so I can add more details to the future second draft of my WIP. Merely reading about a place and seeing pictures doesn’t compare to being there and seeing how the city is laid out, what streets connect to where, where landmarks are.
April 16, 2014 @ 7:41 pm
Oh yes!! Archives–great idea! I have never actually visited any, so I’m glad you thought of that!! And how cool with the Seventeen magazine–who knew?
And traveling to a place is DEFINITELY idea if you can afford it. 🙂 That’s so cool that you’re gonna visit Iran for a WIP!!
April 24, 2015 @ 11:11 pm
Ah, I can’t really see medieval Europe in the “texts” on! I clicked the damn link several times, and nothing is coming up T.T
Of course, I will use Wiki then 🙂