Rebel Tales – a new take on fiction

Rebel Tales — better stories for better readers.

If you don’t know who Holly Lisle is, then be sure to check her out.  She is one of the best writing instructors I’ve ever had the pleasure of learning from, and the communities she’s created for writers (you may have heard of a the one called Forward Motion since it’s so freakin’ famous) are inspirational, supportive, and educational.

She’s gruff, she’s honest, and she’s a damned fine novelist.  So, it is with great excitement that I share her newest undertaking: Rebel Tales.  It’s an e-zine with the readers and the writers as the central focus — great stories for the readers, reliable payment for the writers.  On top of all that, she intends to offer some really helpful stuff in each monthly issue (this is taken from the website):

  • Author interviews
  • Editor interviews
  • Peeks at first drafts
  • Authors’ maps, character sketches, worldbuilding notes, and other development background
  • Winning query letters and synopses
  • And a blow-by-blow breakdown by Holly, in every issue, on why she bought the feature story in that issue—from how the query letter won her over, to how the synopsis got her to read the manuscript…to how, EXACTLY, the writer’s story convinced her that THIS was the right story for Rebel Tales.
  • Read good fiction. Learn to write good fiction. All here.

If you want to be a part of this creation, then you can put in your own two cents here, on the Rebel Tales Community.  Holly wants a lively, passionate group of readers to share their ideas and discuss fiction.  I’m excited to be a part of it.

Ideas matter.  Words matter. Rebels cherish both.
