Boba Fett is a Hottie (Star Wars Life Thoughts Part 1)
So, when I was visiting Sarah J. Maas over the holidays, we got to talking about our shared love: Star Wars. We’re both pretty obsessed, pretty familiar (she even more so than I—that girl is a STEEL TRAP for movie quotes), and pretty anti-prequels (seriously, episodes I-III are BAAAD).
We actually talked A LOT about Star Wars…and we might have watched the originals…and analyzed them with far more depth than the average watcher. Ultimately, though, we came up with two VERY important points:
1. Boba Fett is THE HOTTEST character (possibly even more so than Han Solo)…but only so long as you ignore those da**ed prequels and their da**ed stupid Boba Fett-backstory.
2. Darth Vader’s “secret” as Luke’s father should be protected from our children at all costs. (I’ll talk more about that on Wednesday).
Now back to Boba Fett. Why is he so hot, you ask? It’s all about the mystery, my friend. (Okay, and the rusted, rogue-ish armor, giant guns, and utility belt…but MOSTLY, it’s about the mystery.)
Who is the man behind that sexy mask?
What kind of man is he? I mean, who can drive that undeniably phallic space ship without looking like a macho jerk?
What kind of man can act as Vader’s go-to guy for all bounty hunting needs yet also jam with the ladies at Jabba’s Palace?
One badass sexy man is who.
So badass and sexy in fact, that Sarah and I have decided Boba Fett is blessed with this face:
This body:
And this personality:
So now, let’s see…how can we use what we know about Boba Fett’s sex appeal in our OWN stories?
- Masked characters are an easy way to add tension to your story. There’s just so much room for potential there (and, admittedly, disappointment…) that readers are left turning pages to figure out who’s behind the mask.
- Examples: Zorro, Batman (or any superhero, really), Robin Hood
- Hero’s with swagger have a lot of natural appeal. Just look at Han Solo (who positively oozes swagger) or James Bond. There’s no denying that a guy with confidence (or a gal with confidence) attracts immediate interest for readers.
- Examples: Han Solo, James Bond, Flynn Rider (Tangled), Logan (Veronica Mars), Mal Reynolds (Firefly)
- Criminals. CRIMINALS! It’s that whole bad-boy-thing. Can the heroine change him? Is he a real criminal or does he have a good heart underneath all that body armor?
- Examples: Dimitri (Anastasia), Han Solo, Logan (Veronica Mars), Mal Reynolds (Firefly), Robin Hood
Notice, a lot of those guys are repeats…because usually, for a criminal character to be appealing, he’s got to have some sexy swagger. Then, add in a dose of Masked Mystery, and you’re on your way to one smokin’ hot hero.
You tell me: Who do YOU think is behind Boba Fett’s mask? Are you as into A Man With An Air of Mystery as Sarah and me??
January 23, 2012 @ 3:06 pm
Well, having never personally seen any of the Star Wars movies, I can’t specifically comment, but I do have a brother and a husband who are OBSESSED, so I at least know who Boba Fett is. And I know allllllllll about the sexy bad boy thing, and yes I absolutely agree. A man of mystery (and especially a man of mystery with an edge) is impossible to ignore.
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:14 pm
Meredith, Meredith, Meredith…I KNOW I’ve told you you need to see STAR WARS. It’s only the greatest example of the Hero’s Journey EVER MADE.
It should be required viewing for all writers. No kidding.
THAT SAID, yes masked men = impossible to ignore!
January 23, 2012 @ 7:33 pm
It totally made my morning to wake up to “Boba Fett is a Hottie” in my inbox! Hmm I’d never thought about it really- I guess I was too distracted by Han Solo <3 Your point is well taken, however, and now I have a desire to rip off that suit of armor and see who's under there… he does have quite a presence about him. Still I can't ever forgive him for selling carbon-frozen Han to Jabba. Come to think of it, Billy Dee Williams as bad boy Lando was pretty dang sexy too — you know that scene when he's standing on the landing platform with his cape whipping in the wind? Yes- but again I must return to Han- because no one comes close in my opinion–I can't resist a ruggedly handsome, laser-toting, vest-wearing scoundrel!
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:20 pm
Pffft. Selling him for carbon-freezing–I’ll forgive him. 😉 Lando was totally to blame for that too.
Sarah & I have decided we want to hang the carbon-frozen Han in our living rooms. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE? “Oh yeah, that’s just my frozen scalawag.”
Sarah J. Maas
January 23, 2012 @ 8:16 pm
This might be my favorite blog post EVER. That little chin-flick in the video!!!!!!!!!! *sighhhh*
Fabulous, fabulous post, Sooz. *fist bump*
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:15 pm
Why is that, I wonder? I totally have Daniel do it in SS&D… 😛
Meredith Anderson
January 24, 2012 @ 4:31 am
Oh my god. Must watch Star Wars again. I need to ponder this more.
I love the topics you bring up, Sooz. You make me smile all the time!
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:18 pm
Hahaha, thanks Mer!! <3 <3 And yes, any excuse to rewatch STAR WARS is okay by me. 😀
Yahong Chi
January 24, 2012 @ 4:43 am
FLYNN RIDER. I love you just for providing that example. That bad boy swagger is totally true, and I love how you manage to post about writing AND Star Wars at the same time. (Even though I haven’t seen the movies yet.) I do have to say that it can become a stereotype, though. I’ve read my share of brooding boys who don’t really have depth — they’re just mysterious for the sex appeal. Done well, though, I totally agree that they have an irresistible draw.
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:17 pm
Brooding boys doth not a mysterious man make! I mean…Flynn sure ain’t brooding. 😉 And Boba Fett isn’t either (imo)–he’s just quiet. And deadly. AND HOT. 😉
January 24, 2012 @ 1:38 pm
This must be one of the reasons why there’s always a masked character in the Gundam franchise!
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:17 pm
Definitely!! And what about Tuxedo Mask (with his pseudo-mask)? He was all sexy-mystery…
Freya Morris
January 24, 2012 @ 1:40 pm
New follower here – mainly because the first post I saw was about STAR WARS! Amazing. Can’t say I’ve thought of Boba Fett like that either!
(I almost fainted at Meredith’s comment: “never seen Star Wars)
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 2:16 pm
I literally get a stomach ache when I think that neither Meredith nor Yahong have seen them. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! 🙂
That said, maybe Sarah & I have simply watched STAR WARS *too* many times, and our overactive imaginations are desperately grabbing for more “hot guys”. I mean…sorry, but Luke just don’t cut it.
Kat Zhang
January 24, 2012 @ 3:58 pm
I love how your “swagger” and “criminals” lists share so many characters 😉
Is it bad that I really don’t remember this Boba Fett character AT ALL despite having watched all the Star Wars movies except the last prequel?
Susan Dennard
January 24, 2012 @ 9:48 pm
Yes, this is bad. TERRIBLY BAD, KAT. Go rewatch them. Stat. Then report back here. 😉
April 25, 2012 @ 10:55 pm
No. Sorry. He looks like Jango Fett. Google it.
May 2, 2012 @ 4:04 pm
Haha, as the person says above, I’m pretty sure he would look EXACTLY like his ‘father’ who he is an exact clone of! And his dad looks exactly like this:
And yes I’m aware of how much of a terrible nerd I sound! 🙂
Susan Dennard
May 2, 2012 @ 4:11 pm
Ah, yes, ye olde Jango…Alas, when the new movies released, he just didn’t fit my childhood dreams. As a non-die-hard Star Wars fan (just a big fangirl of the original trilogy), I feel like it’s okay for me to stick with my fantasy. 😉
John Pavlik
June 26, 2012 @ 4:47 am
Indeed Mr. Fett is a sexy beast – and so utterly bad-a$$ that I have him tattooed on my leg.
Susan Dennard
June 26, 2012 @ 2:52 pm
This might just be the most BAMF thing I’ve ever read. Certainly the most BAMF comment to ever land on my blog. You win ten million gold stars for that tattoo, sir.
August 7, 2012 @ 4:26 am
buen blog!!! felicidades!!
October 14, 2012 @ 7:05 pm
Raymond Edward Doyle
September 17, 2014 @ 5:51 am
Episodes one through three aren’t bad. You can’t say their story lines suck and deny them. Because those are the story lines the original trio were based off of anyway. I like the prequels equally with the originals. I don’t see why people like you feel the need to bash the prequels. Is it because you don’t like the facts about your favorite characters that are revealed in the newer movies? They were the same in the book, I guarantee it.
Artur Artto Szczepień
February 19, 2016 @ 4:57 am
Prequels are TERRIBLE. Too many WEAK CGI. Too many unnecessary threads. JAR JAR BINKS. Too many politics. Not enough adventure. MIDICHLORIANS. No mystery behind the characters and plot. 3 of the most interesting characters dies right after presentation (Jango, Maul, Qui Gon).
I could mention dozen of bad decisions that made the prequels a terrible movies.