Poll: Which necklace would YOU pick?
So, I had all these plans for a profound post on advertising and insecurities, but then I realized TODAY was Wednesday…and I should have posted something hours ago.
Sigh. If I can just make it to October, things will start to settle down then…erm, right??
Anyway, rather than my profound post (which will have to save for later since those things take hours to write), I thought I’d use today’s slot to ask you guys for help.
I’m making a bunch of necklaces for giveaways and also author events, but I’m not totally sure if I should focus my efforts on Something Strange & Deadly themed necklaces or more generic steampunk ones…
If you have a few minutes, would you mind letting me know which you would prefer? (And sorry in advance; the pictures aren’t the best…)
Imagine: you’re at an author’s signing (erm, mine…), and if you buy a copy of the book, you get to make a piece of jewelry. Nothing fancy–just an antique-style chain with a few beads and a charm (such as a steampunk-style key or gear/cog). It’s meant to be fun but also to symbolize the importance jewelry plays in the book (I won’t tell you how! It’s a secret!).
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Thanks for helping me out guys.
Oh, and don’t forget all the giveaways and TRAILER SNEAK PEEK going on over at the Official Something Strange and Deadly website. 🙂
Now, you tell me: is this whole make-your-own-steampunk-jewelry thing stupid for an author signing? Would you be annoyed by it in a bookstore or more interested and willing to check out what’s going on?
June 27, 2012 @ 4:22 pm
These are so cool! I love it when books come with little trinkets like pendants to give you a feel of the story (pretty sure that was how I ended up with The Secret Garden, Peter Pan, and Alice in Wonderland) I want to go to one of your book signings so bad ;A;
You are so talented! Where do you find the time to write books, create a website, and make pendants?!
June 27, 2012 @ 4:24 pm
Ooh, I forgot to ask, did you illustrate the designs yourself?
June 27, 2012 @ 4:28 pm
Yay! Thanks, Rae! I’m glad you approve. Phew! Not a total waste of time then. 🙂
And I didn’t illustrate them per se, but I DID make the designs in the GIMP (my go-to “photoshop” software). Then I printed them on metallic paper, cut them out, and put them in the pendant. I haven’t glued it all together yet, though–I want to hear what people WANT first. 😀
June 27, 2012 @ 4:55 pm
I love them! And I think it’s a clever and fun thing to have at a signing. People are going to LOVE it!
June 27, 2012 @ 6:34 pm
I love these necklaces, Susan! I think they’re brilliant for marketing SS&D. I know I’d definitely enjoy one at a book signing, so I’m sure many, many others would, too! They’re absolutely beautiful and unique, and since you almost never get any type of jewelry at a book signing, especially such gorgeous pieces of jewelry that you’d love to wear at any time. You did a magnificent job at making them. It’d be hard to pick which was my favorite because they’re all so unique and lovely. But, that doesn’t help your question much, huh? LOL! Hmmm…I really like the SS&D themed ones with the title logo. The steampunk ones are wonderful, especially the “invention thingy + tree branch pendant” because I love trees and those colors are so pretty!
June 27, 2012 @ 9:25 pm
What a neat idea! And so nicely tailored to your book!
Regarding make-your-jewelry there, I think a question to ask is how is the venue set up? Also, how long does the necklace take to make? The more people you have crowded around you, the more browsers you’ll catch the eye of. However, you need to have enough space so that the line for your signing moves along and isn’t backed up by the jewelry people. That way, those with limited time/no jewelry interest can get their book signed in a timely fashion and leave.
Also, if it will take multiple books to get a pendant, make a nice, big sign so that someone picking up one book won’t get to you and get angry. I’d also bring along a person to help–keeping note of who gets to make a pendant, guiding pendant makers to the table, helping them with the mechanics of it, that sort of thing. You want to make sure you’re there to engage with your audience, not administrating.
June 28, 2012 @ 12:11 am
All in all, they are completely awesome. I especially love the ones that say SOMETHING STRANGE & DEADLY + the invention/tree branch ones! 🙂
June 28, 2012 @ 2:54 pm
I LOVE the SS&D pendants!! I’m especially fond of the title ones, but they’re all gorgeous!
June 30, 2012 @ 12:07 am
Cool necklaces! What a fun idea. I love book-themed jewelry. You’re so creative!
June 30, 2012 @ 12:36 am
“Aim for the knees” pendant/merch please please please. Also have you thought about having them as some sort of prize (person who came the furthest distance, person who brought the most friends, etc.) at a signing?
August 1, 2012 @ 3:02 pm
Ahh SooZ! I am impressed! This has been an awsome experience for me. I have my new hard back copy of your first book and only wish I could come to your signing. Will you have a signing in your home town?
The title pendants are cool as our southern grits! You told me you would be a writer some day when you were a wee high school kid. It has transpired, all over the world! What a blessing!