Something Strange & Deadly Movie Cast…if a movie actually existed
I know I’ve shared my various desired actresses/actors for Something Strange & Deadly, the Movie (coming to a theater near you in the summer of never), but I’m not sure I’ve ever shared my ideal movie cast on my website.
So, as part of the Something Strange & Deadly Book Club, I thought I’d lay out all the faces I see in my one day award-winning film. 😉
Something Strange & Deadly, the Movie
Eleanor Fitt
Played by Rachel Hurd-Wood. When she has blond hair, of course. But seriously, I love the way this actress can look so feminine and yet so feisty.
Clarence Wilcox
Played by the swoony Ben Barnes because he’s swoony. And intense. Also, can we discuss how this screencap below could easily have been taken from Something Strange & Deadly, the Movie?
Allison Wilcox
Played by Emma Roberts. She’s just so pretty (I love her with dark hair) and I think she could totally be a match for Ben Barnes’s sister, no?
Daniel Sheridan
Played by Max Irons. Seriously, this guy is the perfect Daniel. If only he had an American accent….but still, I think he has the perfect looks, perfect arrogant smile, and perfect intensity for Daniel.
Jie Chen
Played by Tang Wei. I used to say Jessica Lu (who I still think is awesome, btw), but I recently saw Tang Wei and just loved her. She’s just got the right smirk–and the right arch in her eyebrow.
Joseph Boyer
Played by Anthony Mackie. First off, I think this actor is gorgeous–so that works well since Joseph is supposed to be handsome. I also think he has the right quiet presence that Joseph has. And again, ungh. He’s so beautiful.
Elijah Fitt
Played by Nicholas Hoult. So, I realize Hoult is all swoony now, but I have adored this actor since About a Boy (which is one of my all time favorite movies. Ever.). I think young Hoult is the perfect little bullied Elijah…
And present day Hoult is a fabulous older Elijah. I also think Hoult is such a brilliant actor he could convincingly play Elijah’s warped sense of self…
And there you have it! The line-up for Something Strange & Deadly, the Movie (coming to a theater near you in my wildest dreams). Who do YOU see playing the various characters?
August 21, 2013 @ 5:09 pm
I’m surprised that I’m still able to speak after that barrage of awesome. ;U; I absolutely adore your dream cast, Susan! I especially love Jie Chen’s and Elijah’s -hopefully future movie- castings!
August 21, 2013 @ 5:40 pm
YES, BEN BARNES FOR CLARENCE (my love for them both knows no bounds). These are great! Not an actress but when the book said Allison was supposed to be super pretty, I immediately thought of the fashion blogger Hapa Time/Jessica, especially in this picture http://tinyurl(DOT)com/n39erl7
Sara (Page Sage)
August 21, 2013 @ 6:21 pm
This casting is awesome!! Max Irons and Tang Wei are exactly how I picture Daniel and Jie! 🙂
August 21, 2013 @ 8:13 pm
Oohh, it’s interesting how many of your picks are British! I do love that you have a cast. I always think when authors say they don’t know who they’d like to play their characters they’re absolutely lying. I’m brainstorming/outlining now and the first thing I did was find actors who embodied how I see the characters and got busy on Pinterest!!
Alexandra Ray
August 21, 2013 @ 9:23 pm
whoa, I never considered Nicholas Hoult for Elijah, but now that you mention it it’s like… MIND BLOWN HE’S PERFECT! And of course, you know how I feel about Rachel Hurd Wood and Max Irons. I really can’t picture anyone else for those two. <3 God, I will never get over missing the chance for Max Irons to sign my book. I will take that regret to the grave!
Carmen B.
August 21, 2013 @ 10:25 pm
Your picks are amazing! I don’t think I’ve seen Rachel Hurd Wood before but I think she’d be a good Eleanor! And Ben Barnes <3 I love him as Dorian Gray! And that pic of Max Irons is perfect 🙂
Nicolas Hoult is fantastic, then and now. About a Boy is one of those movies I must have seen more than a dozen times. And, well, growing up sure became Hoult well ^_^
I love how you chose the pictures perfectly! Anthony Mackie could just get up from that bench and be Joseph.
Joni Patterson
August 22, 2013 @ 3:54 pm
Oh my gracious this post makes me all kinds of giddy. ^.^!!!
Alexa Y.
August 23, 2013 @ 3:45 pm
This movie needs to exist like NOW. Seriously! I love your choices for your dream cast, particularly Ben Barnes and Max Irons. Those boys are just my type 😉
August 24, 2013 @ 3:18 am
This, basically. If they cast the movie version of your book EXACTLY this way, I would literally sit in the theater and flail. (Seriously. Hollywood should call you.)
Aimi Clemons
April 19, 2016 @ 9:19 am