SS&D Book Club, Week 3 Discussions!
I can’t believe the third awesome week in our book club is already over! Waah! Only one more week to go! And, as you all have every week, you’ve totally impressed me with your answers.
If you’d still like to join in on the discussions, then that’s TOTALLY cool and I’d love to have you! Just be sure you sign up for it on this form. 🙂
If you missed my movie casting on Wednesday, make sure to drop by. I’d love to hear who YOU envision playing the various characters.

If you haven’t yet stopped by the Epic Reads discussion board, please do! They’ve got some fun conversations going on–including a new one about Elijah. To remind you of the discussion questions on HERE this week:
Eleanor finds herself more and more intrigued by (perhaps even attracted to) Daniel Sheridan, the inventor of the Spirit-Hunters. What is it about him that appeals to her? And vice versa, what do you think attracts Daniel to Eleanor?
Then there’s Clarence Wilcox, the seemingly perfect eligible bachelor. Why do you think Eleanor doesn’t like Clarence?
AND THEN, for A Darkness Strange & Lovely, I asked:
In 1876, Paris was really the most glamorous city on earth. The City of Light with its electric street lamps, it’s uniform (and gorgeous) beige buildings and slate rooftops, the museums and gardens–to say nothing of all the beautiful people and clothes. It’s no wonder the Spirit-Hunters find themselves distracted from the Dead by luncheons and salons, new clothes and new equipment. Do you think, if you were in their shoes, you might also be easily distracted by all the wonders Paris holds? Or would you be better able to force it all aside and focus on the rising problem of les Morts?
I’ve been kind of surprised (and REALLY pleased–honestly, I love hearing how people see the world and the characters) by all the varied responses this week. It’s just proof how subjective reading is, and it has been a total delight to see everyone’s interpretations of Eleanor’s relationships.
Below, I have all the links to all those discussions you shared with me, so feel free to hop around and interact with each other. And if you want yours added to the list make sure you fill out this form. 🙂
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Artsy Musings of a Bibliophile
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Don’t forget to fill out this form if you want to be eligible for the Participation Prize (a copy of the e-novella A DAWN MOST WICKED or an extra, cut scene from A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY).
You can find the participation form here.
And of course, you still have until Sunday night to answer the week 1 discussion question and be eligible for this week’s prize (a SIGNED copy of THE GODDESS TEST by Aimée Carter, and a signed copy of SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY or A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY).
You can find the week 3 form here.
Now stay tuned for the LAST WEEK’S discussion, which will land in your inbox on Monday! And THANKS AGAIN for all your awesome responses. 😀
August 23, 2013 @ 4:24 pm
There’s lots of really good answers here! I just love reading everybody else’s interpretations!