NaNoWriMo 2013 Bootcamp and Crits for Water
First off: my Crits for Water auction is STILL GOING! It keeps on running until 11:59 PM Eastern time, and you could win a 10 page manuscript + query letter critique from me! Plus, any money you donate goes to charity: water–meaning you’re doing a really good thing by participating in this auction.
So don’t miss the auction before it ends, my friends.
Now, moving on to…
It’s almost that time again. NaNoWriMo time. Okay, so it doesn’t start for another full month, but still! I’m SO EXCITED. Plus, I want to get my eggs in a row BEFORE the race kicks off.
Because here’s the deal: I’ll only be in the good ole US of A for exactly half of this years’s NaNo. Then hubby and I are off to Australia for our first vacation together in 3 years. (Hooray!) Yet, despite being only available for 15 days of 30,I’m still doing this year’s NaNo. I don’t care if I only hit 25,000 words or kill myself trying, but I just LOVE NANO SO MUCH. I can’t miss it, no matter what.
Seriously: NaNoWriMo is my most favoritest holiday-that-isn’t-a-holiday of the year.
And because I love it so much, I thought it would be fun to do something special with others this 2013. And that is:
NaNoWriMo Bootcamp
The name is kind of misleading because there would be no pushups involved (and nary a boot in sight…unless of course, your story involves boots), but the general idea is implied: the bootcamp would be pushing us all to hit the 50,000 word finish line.
Essentially, I’m envisioning a forum where we can set goals, compare daily word counts, share our triumphs and woes, discuss craft, and basically help each other stay motivated to KEEP ON GOING.
I’d also set up the forum sooner rather than later so that everyone can start preparing for the NaNoWriMo to come and so we can pump ourselves up for the insanity that is November.
But before I go spending many hours to set all of this up, I thought I’d first check that there was actually interest from my fellow writers and friends.
SO, if you think a NaNoWriMo Bootcamp is something you’d want to do this November of 2013, please fill out the form below! Oh, and spread the word if you can! The more the merrier, me thinks.
Update: The forum IS HAPPENING! Check it out here.
And now, I shall leave you all with my current jam. Have a WONDERFUL weekend! ♥
September 27, 2013 @ 4:37 pm
Awesome! Thanks for doing this with all of us. I’m psyched about NaNoWriMo this year.
And YAY for your vacation! We go to Oz every year to visit my Aussie hubby’s family and we love it so much. Grab some mango-passionfruit ice cream while you’re there. 🙂
Susan Dennard
September 27, 2013 @ 4:45 pm
Ooooh, thanks for the tip! We’re ALSO visiting family–my hubby’s sister lives there at the moment. I’m hoping she can tell us what to do/see in Sydney…because we’re a bit lost at the moment. Maybe a few days in the Blue Mountains? Not sure yet.
September 27, 2013 @ 6:55 pm
I’m so in! And I can’t get over your beautiful site redesign. <3 Yay for a WELL DESERVED vacation and Australia! I've never been there, but it's on my list. Things to do: See koala bear. Hug koala bear. Hug it and never let go.
September 27, 2013 @ 8:52 pm
Loved the last part of this comment! 😉 I just signed up too. 🙂
Susan Dennard
September 29, 2013 @ 11:54 pm
WOOHOOO!!!! I am so excited by the response so far! This NaNo is going to be EPIC.
Rosanna Silverlight
September 27, 2013 @ 9:22 pm
YES!!! This is such a rocking idea, thank you Sooz! <3
I promised myself a few months back that I'd have a total break from revisions during November and embrace NaNoWriMo wholeheartedly (I'll admit, my current WIP started life as a NaNo novel and got COMPLETELY rewritten before even entering revisions!), so the thought of having a forum to go and bounce ideas around in and meet other writers across the globe just makes me even more excited for November!
Bring on the #BAMFWordBattles, cheering and glitter! 😀
And oooh… liking this song… the video is totally hypnotic… @_@
Susan Dennard
September 29, 2013 @ 11:54 pm
YES! That was my goal! I want everyone to be able to keep each other on the ball (especially once I’m away!). CANNOT WAIT!
September 27, 2013 @ 9:30 pm
I am SO freaking excited about Nano. Last year was my first and I cannot WAIT to do it all again. Bootcamp sounds so good, I have so missed word sprints since last November, I’m pretty sure they’re entirely what pulled me through the 50K!
Susan Dennard
September 29, 2013 @ 11:55 pm
YESSSSS!!! Seriously, every comment here is making EVEN MORE AMPED. This is going to be so much fun.
Sarah Wolf
September 30, 2013 @ 5:48 pm
Last year was the first NaNo I finished (out of four), and I’m still working on revisions. I’d love to participate in the spirit of the month, but my goal is finishing the current work in progress. Thanks for this awesome idea, Susan!
Susan Dennard
October 1, 2013 @ 2:08 am
Well, you can always use the motivation and camaraderie of NaNo for revisions!! I have totally done that before. 😉 Good luck with your WIP!
Laura Wardle
October 3, 2013 @ 6:50 pm