Spirit-Hunters website live!
I finally got around to creating a website for my novel, The Spirit-Hunters. The Spirit-Hunters is a young adult novel set in a steampunk version of 1876 Philadelphia. Hauntings, inventions, and tough heroines abound.
I finally got around to creating a website for my novel, The Spirit-Hunters. The Spirit-Hunters is a young adult novel set in a steampunk version of 1876 Philadelphia. Hauntings, inventions, and tough heroines abound.
Like many writers, I listen to music for inspiration. Most of the time, I don’t actually listen to music as I write — I’m too ADD to focus on the words at my fingertips and listen to Rimsky-Korsakov. I do, however, listen to music while I plan my stories. When I’m in the midst of […]
Ahh, the rains of spring have arrived here in our German village, and with them, the first flowers and new leaves. Inside my cozy home, the weather is just the same. My manuscript and I are raising a veritable hurricane, and already I can see the gleam of polished prose. Revisions are my favorite part […]
To all my dear readers, I apologize for my blogging infrequency the last week. It’s probably going to continue for quite some time. But there is a reason — and it’s a valid reason! I’m revising Miss Eleanor Fitt and the Spirit-Hunters. My months of preparation are finally in the application stage.
Finished! The first draft of my second book has reached The End. Wunderbar! Now it’s on to the massive revisions. And they will be massive, but I am so excited to start — I love editing and improving what I’ve already created. It’s like getting a diamond from the coal… Okay, terrible metaphor. How about […]